32 | Agreeing to hell

Start from the beginning

"What? We get a miracle?" Xander guesses, sharing his doubts through the sarcasm no one could say they really missed, even if they all had a bit of that bitter, blunt humor in them. "Yeah, right."

"Miracle turned disaster real quick" Jayden mutters, his doubtfulness very obvious through the little comments he makes and had been making since he found out what he had missed last night while he was too busy stuffing his face with desserts to be waiting outside with the rest of his siblings. He wasn't sure if he was grateful for that or not. On one hand, the drama was very entertaining and usually he loved it, but on the other, the desserts were delicious and helped him avoid getting dragged into an even messier situation than they already had.

Xander and Phoenix nod in agreement with the youngest brother in the room, turning to look at the oldest two with the clear skepticism in their gaze, refusing to give them the benefit of the doubt in a situation they had caused.

"We don't know it'll be a disaster just yet, have some faith." Noel says.

"Uh, if their reaction said anything last night it was that we should expect nothing but a disaster." Phoenix points out.

"Not to mention that their exact words were 'you just blew your last chance with us'. So, i don't doubt they're gonna be open for discussion just yet, let alone ever again after the shit you pulled." Xander laughs, no humor evident, just a bitter sound.

"First of all, it was not just me," Noel reminds, hating that he was the only one taking blame in a situation he had tried to prevent. "Secondly, they were upset. People say things they don't mean in the heat of a moment, and then when they've had time to calm down they come to their senses. You of all people, Xander, should know this. And lastly-"

"We don't care about your list of justifications, Noel, we care about you pushing them so far that they never come back." Phoenix snaps, not taking the older man throwing Xander's issues with anger and controlling his emotions ⏤ something they all knew he struggled with and most likely always would ⏤ in his face when they hadn't said anything about his or Ian's issues. "And do you really think they're going to want to talk to you, of all people? After everything you've done?"

"It wasn't just me, Phoenix, we've all played a part in everything that has happened, stop pretending we haven't."

"Oh, I'm not pretending, I'm just saying you've done the worst." He says, looking to Ian next. "Both of you."

"And we are aware of that and apologize, we regret everything we've done greatly." Ian cuts in, seeing Noel about to try and defend their actions again, but that was useless, his words were meaningless in a situation like this. "But right now, it's not about the past and what happened in it, it's about what happened last night and how to fix it. Right?"

"Partly." Jayden shrugs.

"Right. So, as i was saying, i believe both of your ways could work, if we do it correctly."

"Meaning what, exactly?" Xander asks, despite his lack of belief in the way his brothers were attempting to handle this.

"Someone goes to talk to Willow and Wes-"

"I don't-"

"Please, let me speak." Ian says, giving Phoenix a disapproving look at his interruption. The brother only nods, motioning for him to continue. "Thank you. Now, as i was saying, someone goes to speak to the twins and try to explain, but i don't think it should be Noel."


"Noel, we've done enough. They will take it better from one of them." Ian insists, turning in his spinning chair to look at the other three brothers, Xander shaking his head.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now