Chapter 25

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Yo, people? How's everyone. Seems like everyone loved the last chapter? Thanks for showing me the amazing support on the last chapter, means alot to me. So, let's hope for like 26 votes this time and 10 comments what do you all say? This way I can update soon no? And btw don't mind me haa. I have exam this month and I am not able to focus. 

"it's about time, Zayn it's time that we get united and you. Zayn!" Sofia explained with a hard look in her eyes. "You claim the throne and we take the silver vile in our hand!"

"it's about time Zayn! "


(This part is the continuation of what happened after Zayn left Sofia and went to cool himself down. Like this chapter in the past. I was like battling within myself whether to write this description or let you guys wonder about it. But em not that cruel now am I)


"It's about time" Zayn mumbled to himself as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror, his hand stretched away from his body, gripping the counter with so much force his knuckles turned white.

"It's about time, Zayn!" he again mumbled as his thought repeated her words to him.

She thinks it's about time, she thinks they need to take the silver vile in their hand cause it's about time. She showed up all of a sudden cause its about time. They need to take over the dark world throne cause its about time. Time, does everything work according to time? Her showing up, her love. If everything was about time then where was Zayn in it? Was she even here for Zayn? All the years of longing were shattered in pieces as Zayn put pieces together.

But a voice in his head whispered how She was here. How she might have taken some time but she was finally here and so far from her action what does you expect? You have hardly spent time with her. How can you judge her when you don't even know her?  The little time that we spent together was proof of how her soul is so pure as she helped those kids even though they were suffering and the system is corrupted.

A faint sound of a ringtone echoed through the bathroom as he took a step back, water dripping from his hair, a towel wrapped around his lower body as he ruffled through his warm out clothes to find his phone. A frown crossed his face as he saw the top of his screen read no caller id.

It was risky to answer a call from such a number, cause if something got wrong he won't be able to track them back as the person on the other end doesn't even want his number to be visible to other eyes and we hide things when we are wrong or are going to do something wrong.

Zayn debated about answering the phone and finally answered it, whatever or whoever it was might have some nerve to contact him and he was no coward to get scared of these calls.

Silence, after answering the call. Zayn was met with silence if he ignore the breathing of that person from another end. It was strange but Zayn wasn't a stranger to those breaths. These were some calls that he get every month for the past decade but the number was never hidden until now. Why now.

They started when Zayn was just a pre-teen. These calls were creepy, no one ever said anything, lasted hardly 15 minutes. Just the breathing of someone on the other end. What was most strange about these calls was how they mostly come when Zayn was having a panic attack.

But this time the person on the other end chuckled and whispered. "Even after getting my calls for so long. You are still not able to figure out who I am. What a loser." The voice was high pitched as if used a good amount of autotune. So the voice could be unrecognizable.

"At least I am not a stalker, who hides behind a call and autotunes like a cowered."

"Touch but still that doesn't change the fact you are a loser."

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