Chapter 16

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Zayn ignored him but everyone was looking at them, all the attention was on him making his legs walk faster, his head bowed down, his hands getting sweaty as everyone look his way and maybe just maybe somehow Harry understood he was nervous from all the attention thrown his way all of a sudden. Harry shut his mouth and intertwined his fingers with Zayn who was dragging him towards his dorm.

As they walked in Zayn let go of Harry's hand and took a deep breath while locking the door, turning his back towards Harry. He didn't turn around for quite a few minutes and Harry let him have his moment.

Finally, calm Zayn walked towards Harry and took his face in his hand rubbing the makeup off. Harry didn't protest but his eyes were cast down. Once the makeup was off, Zayn could see Harry's eye was black like, he have been in a fight.

"Who did this?" Zayn asked calmly, his hands clenched into a fist.

"Why do you care?" Harry fired back, stumbling back. Folding his hand on his chest. "ignore me like you have been, even after I personally asked you to not do that!" Harry continued a look of hurt flashed in his eyes and it went away as soon as it come.

"I am sorry, I wasn't ignoring you. I was busy something comes up!" Zayn said with a desperate voice, his eyes begging for an understanding he know only Harry could provide.

"So?" Harry said with the meanest voice he could, pushing Zayn away. "you could have messaged me?"

"I don't have your num-" Zayn started but Harry cut him off.

"You could have asked anyone, don't I know you have contacts. Your friend Luka, you could have told him or asked my friend Louis or Niall they could have provided you!" Harry said his voice filled with hurt, turning away from Zayn. (A/N: hello! Sorry to disturb you all but illegal take your minute here. Hehe, yeah so Luka here is not a typo Harry said that intentionally! bye)

"And you know what hurts the most you want mia right after I asked you to not do that!"

It was hard for him but it was the right thing to do, people go through so much because they step down their boundaries at the early age of a relationship for the sake of another person, thinking things will get better with time but it never does. They only get worse if not talked about sooner. Every relationship goes through this cause of a lack of communication.

Zayn stood silent, he couldn't believe someone was so hurt cause he didn't talk to them. Never in his life did he has to answer anyone and now as he has to it feels strange, yes his father cared but he was the one who always forced him to his limits, making him do the task he was incapable of according to his mind. Even if he got went missing for a few days, his father won't send a search party for him or anything, he would wait till he comes back. Doesn't matter how long he goes, his father waits, and when he returns they don't talk about it. Acts like it never happened so to say it was new and strange for him is an understanding.

How was he supposed to react, he was flabbergasted that he have to explain to someone, that someone care enough to know where he was or where he want? More of all he was confused that what does Harry want from him? Does he want him to communicate? Or just inform him about his whereabouts? (A/N: hello, I am here to bug you all again! I am doing this cause I feel like I am not able to make you all understand what I want to. Right back to top. A lot of people really don't know how to react, I mean a lot of situations come new to us. So, we don't know what to do or how to react to them. Bye!)

"I-I am sorry," Zayn mumbled as he wasn't so used to apologizing to someone, he walked toward Harry. "I am sorry, I promise I will never do this again." taking a hold of his chin and making him look right into his honeycomb eyes. "it's just so new and strange to me. I know it's not an excuse for why the way I behaved but-" Zayn stopped as he looked into Harry's eyes, who was holding back tears.

"Hey, Hey what happened?" Zayn asked as he pulled Harry into his chest. "What did I do now?" Zayn asked as he rubbed his back trying to consul him. "Am I that toxic for you?" he pulled away, taking a step back and creating some distance between them.

"Wait?" Zayn said as a lot of pieces started to make sense out of nowhere. "Shit shit shit! Damn, how did I not notice this." Zayn said as he hold his own head between his hands. "damn how can I be so dumb. Why didn't I notice how toxic I am to you? I always disappoint you and end up hurting you, we both fight whenever we are with each other. How can I overlook all this! I cause you nothing but pain!"

A silence falls upon them but that doesn't mean that Zayn's mind was silent too. His mind was racing with thousand thoughts per minute, he doesn't know what to do now. Should he now maintain his distance from Harry? Should he leave whatever they have? But what do they have? It ended before it could even start? So it shouldn't hurt as much as it is. Why was he hurting?

Zayn's started taking steps back and was ready to run out of the room, come to stop as he felt Harry grabs his arms and hug him, so tight. He felt his t-shirt get wet as he looked down, seeing tears rolling down Harry's eyes.

"No, we just lack communication and understanding. You don't know how to communicate while I don't know how to understand as I have never been in your shoe." Harry mumbled as he sniff and hide his face in his chest.

"I have said before too that I am a mess around you. Don't you understand that?" Harry mumbled still holding onto him like his life depend on it. "I talk shit around you, why do you even tolerate it? you mess up my mind in a good way though!" Harry continued as he looked up and sniff. Zayn shakes his head as if to tell him it's okay and lifts his hand to whip his tears. "I don't have to think when I am around you and my mouth speaks whatever it wants! I don't have to pretend around you!"

"I am sorry, I talk like we are in a relationship. I was blinded by the fact that you dis-obidented me!" Harry said as he looked into his eyes innocently. Zayn stopped the urge to chuckle at Harry's choice of words. "I never thought about how there might be things you are not comfortable telling me yet!" Harry hiccups as he rubs his nose into his chest. Zayn kept on rubbing his side, holding him tight, letting him say whatever he want.

Finally pulling away Harry looked into his eyes and pulled his hand to rub his cheekbone. Placing his forehead right on his as he let a sigh out, closing his eyes.

"You are not toxic for me. We just need to work on whatever it is, that we have!" Harry continued as he wanted Zayn to say anything but all the raven hair boy did was nod while looking into his green emerald eyes.

"Now do did this to you?"


Wanna see you bringhhhhhh!!!!!


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