Chapter 7

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Zayn told Joshua and Jacob to look around the whole club and see if someone is suspicious or even happens to have some personality as a green lily. No one has ever seen her but there were higher chances of Zayn and his man's finding her cause they know her outlet. How she has long legs, green eyes, and curly brown hair. Zayn wanted to go find her himself but since the curly was sleeping on his lap he didn't move.

He just patiently waited for Joshua and Jacob to come back and inform him. After about 30 minutes they both walked back towards Zayn with a frown settled on their face they didn't know who she was all they knew was her outer looks and even if they found women with curly brown hair they didn't have green eyes or long divine legs like there boss define her to have. None of the women in the clue was able to match the appearance she has.

Zayn subconsciously runs his hand through Harry's curly locks while Harry hum in satisfaction. "Maybe you should go and check maybe you'll be able to find her," Jacob said as Joshua nodded with him, Zayn ordered them to look after Harry as he started to stand up Harry gripped his shirt in his hands. Clinching on it with his dear life. Zayn looked down and again settled himself on the stool he was sitting on.

"Call Liam and keep searching her. Don't leave a single person who knows her or maybe looks like her. Target everyone you think is suspicious. Bring my monster back safe." Zayn said throwing his motorbike keys to Joshua and taking his car keys in return. He lifted Harry's bridal style and walked towards the clue exit.

It was already past 2 in the morning, random dogs were barking in the streets while a few rats run in the alley they stood. He walked towards the car that was parked in the very front of the alley showing off its gorgeous features. It was a black Aston Martin DB1. Zayn opened the door with a bit of struggle making sure not to wake the curly up and open the door calmly.

After about a few minutes he finished his task as he made Harry comfortable in his seat and made him wear a seat belt while he just seat on his side and rode off in the direction of the college dorm. His thoughts cloud his mind as he drives through the open road in the nighttime The moonlight dominates the roads and trees around it.

Who can she be? And how did she not leave a single clue behind her? Who is supporting her? Who does she work for? And even if she is so good at her work why doesn't she just show her face to the whole world? What is she hiding? Why doesn't she want to know who she is?

A little shuffle on the passenger seat made him break out of his though and he soon realized that he didn't know where Harry live. He signs a breath out and decided on letting him stay in his room. Hardly after driving for 5 minutes they arrived at their destination. Zayn waited in the car for the phone call as he looked at the sleeping figure who had no care in the world. Trusting a stranger with his sanity. His phone started ringing as he pulled it out of his pocket, eager to hear what they got for him.

"She left. No one saw how she looked and I even doubt that she came here cause it was some local gang member who reported that someone who look exactly like her walked into the club which I doubt. They even said that she came was a guy with black hair and build up body, that's all." Jacob informed and Zayn cut the call without even replying to him cause what was there for him to say? What was he supposed to tell them that they couldn't even know who was behind that mask all the time? Even though they know more about her appearance than any gang in the world and yet, they are not able to find her.

A groan from beside Zayn broke him out of his thoughts. He turns to look at the boy who was groaning in his sleep while mumbling some inaudible words, he kept on twisting and turning in his seat. Finally, he let out a whimper, and tears started to roll down his cheeks, a frown settled on Zayn's face and he quickly started shaking the boy with green eyes, Zayn pulled him on his lap and tapped his cheek to wake him up.

Harry opened his eyes that were filled with moisture, his head was pounding, his vision wasn't the clear cause of the tears in his eyes, a voice was ringing in his ear as he tried to make out who it belong to. A faint memory started to go throw his mind as shooting, screaming, tears, blood, pain, sorrow everything went through his mind and suddenly stopped everything he was floating in the air and he started falling. He felt everything in slow-mo, he was screaming for help, tears of helplessness leaving his eyes.

A headache was starting to form and his throat started feeling scratchy, his lungs collapsing, his vision already wasn't clear, it was hard for him to even move his limps. A faint voice was going through his mind and suddenly someone grapes his hand, rubbing his back. He couldn't tell who he was but horror crossed his mind as he thought about it that how someone saw him in the most venerable state of his. He tried his hardest to calm himself down, counting to 10 as he felt somewhere calm, then next trying to smell something near him which happen to be alcohol and cigarettes, next trying to feel things around him wheel and seats. So, he assume it was a car? Next, he squished his eyes and open them to see a black interior.

He was exhausted but he was calm, the faint voice of the person was still next to him but he could care any less. He knows he was risking it all by fainting in an unfamiliar car with a stranger but his body just wasn't cooperating with him. Doesn't matter how much he tried his eyes closed on his own, his breath was even now, back to regular but he didn't have the strength to even open his eyes.

Watching Harry have a panic attack and almost faint Zayn couldn't stay still, he was hugging the led to his cheat, kissing his hair again and again. It was the first time in his life he ever saw someone have a panic attack. All he ever saw or witnessed were his own, which he got after the accident but they never happened in front of anyone and he never told anyone about it either. He felt so helpless when he didn't know what to do, it was worse than the mission he want on without a gun but still manage to get it done. Even then he didn't feel this helpless, all he could do was see Harry calm himself down.

He kissed his forehead and was sure that Harry won't even remember this when he woke up tomorrow. Zayn opens the car door, Harry sleeping on his lap or fainted? he wasn't sure but his breath was even. So, Zayn was sure that he was alright. He lay his right hand under Harry's thighs while placing the other one under his back. He pulled both his legs outside the car and shifted a bit on the seats, after struggling for a bit he finally managed to exit the car with an unconscious Harry in his arms.


So, panic attacks aren't something to explain easily. It's not always violent a lot of people go through panic attacks but silently. I'm not trying to mock someone by this, I wrote it just for the chapter's sake and for the character development. I hope you all understand. I'm sorry if I hurt someone through my work, just message me we'll solve it together.

Storytime. So, I was wearing a choker ( which was a band type of thing you can make it tight or lose it as you want) in institute cause I just felt like it doesn't ask why or what. I just did and the way this someone was looking at me. God, it was so embarrassing off.

I just want this book to be a safe place for everyone. You all can share whatever you want to cause I am sure I'm going to take it down one day. Maybe not cause I'm going to publish my work but yeah cause I don't want people to hate on it. So, that's it feel free.

Do you ever felt like you are not enough?
is it so hard to love someone?
Are we just asking for too much?

Date: 28 January 2022.

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