Chapter 4

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Zayn stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom after taking a hot shower, fog coating the mirror, his hair flat on his forehead falling like bangs. His both hands pressed flat on the bathroom counter while looking down at the washbasin. His thoughts clouded his mind, thinking about his father, his job, his classes, his problems, his life, and that one person.

He knows it's one of those grumpy days where he just doesn't want to wake up and just lay there starring at the ceiling not minding the world outside his door. Questing his existence, rethinking about his own life, not being able to look himself in the eyes, how he should just leave all his suffering and just get away from everything. He knows it's hard to continue but easy to give up and the only thing that holding him back is his father otherwise he would have escaped a long time back. 

He knows he can't control his feelings but his actions.

So, without taking a second thought about giving up and laying in his bed the whole day. He let a sigh escape his mouth as he cleared the fog with his hand on the mirror while brushing his teeth. He rinses his mouth with the mouth wash as he walked out of the bathroom into his closet.

Wearing the first thing he saw which was happy to be a gray sweet suit and his brown-green beanie. His hairs still falling on his forehead. He didn't care enough to comb them or thought about what people will think.

He just left his dorm with his book on his side and his phone. While walking out he shoots a text to Liam.  Without looking where he is going he collapsed with someone the paper they had in their hand fly everywhere in the hallway and that person falls on the floor while Zayn just stumbles back.

Zayn made an annoying face and looked at the person who had blue eyes and blond hair, the fragile boy started collecting his papers from the floor while chanting sorry again and again. Zayn tapped his feet on the floor while waiting for them to collect the paper he wasn't in the mood to create an issue here for no bloody reason.

Liam saw what happened from a distance and he walked towards them, intensely sitting on the floor and collecting the papers with another person. Assuming the blue eyes lad it's not their fault and it's okay. Zayn groaned looking at them when they both stood up he softly said his sorry, his voice a bit raspy since he haven't said a word from the morning. A boy with curly hair approached them as Zayn was about to leave but these curls seemed familiar to him.

He looked at Liam and then back at the blue-eyed boy, in-process stealing a  glance at the brown luscious curly-haired boy, his hair looked soft, Zayn questioned if he touched them would they be as soft as they looked. His green eyes were as green as forests, a beautiful mole under his bottom lip, he had a lanky yet tall figure. Awkward but confident. Unaware of eyes on him, Zayn bits his lip.

While the other boy admires his beautiful, gorgeous brown eyes with a Lil freckle of gold. His high cheekbones and sharp jawline. His lean yet masculine frame. Standout as a beautiful peak on a bird's head. His attitude was something he liked the most.

As they both admire each other, as they both locked eyes with each other for a few minutes a shot of light fired in them. A familiar feeling of knowing each other but not at the same time filled their chest.

Zayn turned his face when he saw the smirk on the green eye boy's face, maybe it was just the heat of the moment. Shrugging it off Zayn walked towards his first class. He was majoring in Arts. His father wanted him to follow his passion, even though it doesn't fit with his job and his life but since it's his passion his father supported him without a doubt.

During the time of lunch when Zayn was walking towards his dorm when he felt someone holding his wrists. His quick sense told him to snatch his wrist back and punch the shit out of the person who touched him without his permission but since his dad told him strictly to not create a scene here, Zayn gulped down his anger.

Zayn turns to look at the brave person who touched him without his permission and it was the oh so brave curly hair guy with a stupid smirk on his face. Seeing him Zayn's inside did a thing which he couldn't explain or point out.

Zayn raised his eyebrow in a questioning way, snatching his wrist away from his hold. "Are you Zack? The scholarships student?" The green eyes lad asked without thinking. Zayn looked around him to make sure the dumb guy was talking to him.

"Do I look like a scholarship student to you?" Zayn asked with an amused face. The green eye guy shrugged as he walked closer to Zayn, invading his privacy, a frown on his beautiful face. Zayn stick to his ground not even backing off.

The green eye guy stood so close to Zayn that Zayn could smell his strawberry shampoo. The green eye lad raised his hand, gently holding Zayn's cheek, rubbing his thumb on his cheeks. Zayn watched his every move. If it would have been someone else, Zayn would have crushed their hand till now but since it was this guy Zayn couldn't do anything.

It was like he know him but not at the same time. The familiar feeling of stating in his green eyes like starting in his soul. Meeting him for the first time yet it felt like he already know.

Finally, the curly hair guy placed his forehead on the raven hair guy's forehead. "Have we ever met before?" The green eye guys asked softly in a whisper not wanting to break the calm atmosphere around them. The hallway they were standing in was empty since no one uses it, cause of some myths about ghosts.

Zayn just looked in his green eyes not even having the strength to ask his name. Like the green eye, the boy read what he was thinking as he said. " I am Harry."

They both stood like that Harry's hand holding Zayn's face while their forehead jointed, green starting into golden. "Zayn" Zayn whispered back a calm feeling settling in his chest. They stared into each other eyes as they both closed it just wanting to feel the warmth of each other.

Both stood like that for don't know how long their eyes closed, they don't know what they were feeling but it was something. Something they haven't felt before. Birds flapping their wings in their stomachs.

They both wanted to be beside each other for the rest of their life wanted to hold on to each other, doesn't matter what as lovers or a friend. Maybe it was too soon to decide but they didn't dare. Since they both were holding on to a broken promise.  The hope of finding the other one but wasn't sure if they ever will and just like that the ringing of the bell brought them out of their world. They both walked towards their destinations without looking back for each other.


29, November.  yesterday I solved Rubik's cube for the first time after trying for a month. It felt so good. Like following all the algorithms

I wrote his chapter on 30,31 November and 4 December 2021.

I edited this chapter on 19 December 2021. Cause I wasn't satisfied but now I am.

Actually, it was a normal chapter but then I just edited it, and now it's long. Hehe but then again edit it and now it's normal.

Published on 10, Jan 2022

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