Chapter 14

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"Come on, I'll show you something," Harry said as he pulled Zayn outside the ballroom, they both were dancing in, even though it more looked like they were gently moving. Zayn followed Harry without a protest, not hearing what Harry was saying as his mind got diverted towards something else.

Something else as in his feeling, he have been trying to identify and maybe he did, he know what it is.

"I just know you'll love it!"

As Harry dragged Zayn behind him, bubbling about his thoughts to Zayn while Zayn, he was deep in thoughts, a feeling he recognized as desire being feed for the first time in his 22 years of life. The greed he have being feel for as long as he could remember to be called king, to be over the world, yet the emotions he lacked cause he doesn't have the confident to actually claim the throne as his but he ain't alone in the race.

The throne won't be given to him cause he is the hire or cause his father sits on the throne right now. The one who really deserves it will be the one to be get called the next king.

"It's something that you would like or even love, I have seen the way you look at these things."

"I know I have chosen the right person to appreciate the beauty!"

Harry kept bubbling while dragging Zayn down the stairs and Zayn kept on thinking, looking at their joined hands and Harry's words.

The word king itself did a thing to him, just few words of Harry was enough for him to be inspired, He was eager to know what more Harry think of him. A green-eyed boy meets him hardly a few weeks ago think of him as a king, even though they haven't even had that much of encounters together.

But on the other end, he felt like he was again overthinking every single possibility, what if Harry just said the words? What if they were just hollow and had no meaning?

But then again Harry doesn't look like a guy who was saying something without knowing what it exactly means. In the short time they spent together Zayn could tell that Harry was a guy who would choose his words wisely, he may be bubbly sometimes and act goofy but his compassion and eunoia makes him a wise human.

"Zayn!" Harry shouted when he felt Zayn wasn't hearing him.

"Huh! What happened?"

"I said close your eyes! Are you even hearing me?" Harry mumbled angrily as he pout looking at Zayn with a glare.

"You are the only person I ever hear. Do you even have to ask that?"

Harry blushed hearing his reply and nodded, Zayn closed his eyes, following Harry blindly. Harry guided him towards the Mansion basement where their parking is located. Make sure Zayn doesn't collide with anything or slip on the stairs. Harry opened the door and dragged Zayn inside.

"Open your eyes now!"

The moment Zayn's eyes opened, he couldn't believe what lays in front of his eyes, a dream of his. All I ever wanted, It's in front of me, he have to blink twice to make sure he wasn't daydreaming or a mirage created just for him.

Cars what was present in front of him. Every super, hyper, and sports car was present in front of his eyes. Even the limited edition of cars was present too.

"Ohh my god! Do these all cars belong to you?" Zayn asked as he shake his head and blink rapidly. "Damn!"

Harry nod proudly as he took hold of his arms and guided him around the place. "These all are under my name so I guess they count as mine."

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