Chapter 11

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"Which night??"

"Don't act dumb Zayn, you know damn well what I am talking about!" Harry said as he look at a confused Zayn, he just wants to know what happened that night, is it too much to ask for. He waited for Zayn to remember but all the other led did was open and close his mouth like a fish.

"Which night, Harry?"

"Zayn, how many nights did we spend together? huh?"

"What are you even talking about? We don't spend any night together!!"

Harry's eyes widen as a blush crept up his cheeks, he didn't mean it like that.

"I-i" Harry stutters as he mumbles some inaudible words under his breath.

"Wait, are you by any chance asking about the night we want to blue sea club?" Zayn asked as he admire the pink glow on Harry's face.

"Obviously, stupid!" Harry mumbled as he looked at Zayn with some hope and fear. "What happened that night?"

"Don't you remember anything?"  Zayn asked confused, he titles his head to a side as Harry's face turns red from pink.

"If I remember would I have asked you, genius?" Harry explained, "use some brain! Oops, you don't have one I guess!"  Harry gives a quick fake smile to Zayn as he stares in the distance.

Zayn frowned at the sudden change of emotion on Harry's face as a mischievous smile spread across his face, and his eyes sparkled.

"Harry!" Zayn whispered with a seductive voice. "How can you forget about that night!" Zayn continued as Harry looked at him. "How can you forget when I pulled you closer to me!" Zayn said as he pulled Harry closer to him.

"How amazing your body felt on mine. How your eyes turn a beautiful face of green and your lips spoke the language of lust. How can you forget all this Harry?" Zayn pouts as his eyes subconsciously fall on Harry's lips who looked frozen and disappointed in himself.

"How your body melts in my arms like hot wax! How your body responded to mine so gorgeously!" Zayn started again but stopped mid-way as he saw how Harry was frozen, his brown eyes traveling back to his green eyes that hold in shaded tears.

"You are l-lying" Harry stood up from his seats, as he gaze into Zayn's eyes with horror in them. "W-we can't, you can't. No, no you are lying!" Harry screamed and he yanks his own hair, he doesn't what it to happen like this, no it was supposed to be memorizing or a sweet memory not a drunken accident.

Zayn frowned as his mischievous smile turned into a panic scope as he saw Harry shake and tears falling from his eyes, close to having a panic attack. "I didn't mean it like that Harry!" Zayn said as he starched his hand out for Harry but Harry spate his hand away.

"D-don't touch me." Harry mumbles, "it wasn't supposed to happen like this. You horny fuck, couldn't you control yourself. Motherfuck, you could have taken anyone but me!" Harry shouted but not above then a whisper as tears build in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, calm down. I was joking." Zayn took a hold of his hand as he said, "nothing happened between us! Do you really think that cheap of me?" Hearing that Harry turn his attention to him as he didn't snatch his hand away this time, yet trying to calm himself down.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked between sobs. Zayn hold his face between his hands, feeling the soft skin underneath his palm, for a moment he was memorized, he couldn't speak at all, Harry's skin felt just like how Zayn dreamed. Soft, bouncy, and fluffy.

Wetness under his palm bought Zayn out of his thoughts. He quickly withdraw his hand and rubbed the back of his neck "I-I mean, I was joking nothing happened. You can even get checked, if not that way. I can show you my results since I never did it either." Zayn rumbles nervously as he looked down.

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