Chapter 13

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"I never thought of my house like that but you can, if that's what you think." Harry said, a bit disappointed by his comment.

It was not a museum for crying out loud. Yeah maybe some things were old but not a museum, that would be too much.

Seeing Harry down, Zayn quickly realized how weird his comment would have sounded to a person who talked so enthusiastically about their museum-oppos home.

"I didn't mean it that way. I like old things too, some could even be found in my room. I think they are special as they are connected to our history in some way or form. It's beautiful how the thing has traveled so far in time, carrying its elegance and a past that it could never share with someone. In brief, I think it's beautiful to love old things!" Zayn said, with a hopeful look in his eyes, only focusing on Harry as he was never interested in showing his emotions in front of anyone, hoping he get the point. 

Harry nodded at his little explanation and smiled when he heard that he likes old things too, before he could suggest something about roaming around the place or showing him, Jason interrupted them.

"Hey, Harry. I know this guest of yours isn't that interesting in knowing about the beauty of our mansion but it would be our fault if we don't show him!" Jason said cleverly, trying to make a point out of his statement.

Isn't this guy just too irritating? Stupid fuck thinks he knows more bout me than me.

Zayn just rolled his eyes and turn to Harry, who had a scope on his face.

"It ain't your place to judge Jason whether they like to tour around the place or not. I would very much like you to shut up." Harry hissed his way and turn to Zayn.

"Do you want to tour around the place?"

"I would love to!"

This time Zayn took a hold of Harry's hand and the scope that was taking over the smile on Harry's face miraculously replaced with a grin. They both kept stealing glances and walking in the magnificent hallway. Jason walked a few steps ahead of them with a stupid frown, his head bowed a bit.

Zayn nodded and kept looking at their joined hands, and a lot of questions kept popping in his head but for once he shuts down his mind not letting it think. Just feeling the moment and forgetting about all the odds and doubts.

Soon they stopped in front of a painting and Jason explained who this emperor was or how old the sword hanging next to him was. Zayn heard him very attentively, not like he doesn't hear other things attentively. Moving on to the next, Jason kept speaking like a radio on repeat while Harry and Zayn walked behind. Zayn Noticed how Jason skipped the Asian emperor and move on to the other English emperor that who's painting was right next to it. Ignoring Jason Zayn stood in front of the painting and looked at Harry.

"Do you know who he is?"

"Not much just that he is an Asian emperor!"

"He isn't any normal Asian emperor. He is Genghis Khan and the Mongols are invariably associated with terrible tales of conquest, destruction, and bloodshed. This famed clan leader and his immediate successors created the largest empire ever to exist, spanning the entire Asian continent from the Pacific Ocean to modern-day Hungary in Europe." Zayn explained while looking at the painting. He never thought he would find a painting of Genghis Khan in an English household and what was funny is that they don't even know who he was, ignoring him like a plague.

Why have a painting of someone you despised?

"Wow. He really ruled over whole Asia?" Harry asked as he looked at the painting more closely. Something he hasn't done before.

The Silver VeilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora