Chapter 23

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Sofia drove as they sat silently in the car, Zayn was in his thoughts as he looked outside the window looking at the shady area, he could already tell this area wasn't a decent place then why out of all places?  Sofia chose this place? She could have chosen any place why this one.

"So, you know I could have bought new food know that way all that food could have been wasted!" Sofia rumbled as she spare a glance in Zayn's direction.

"This place was actually located by my grandfather. He was a really good man you know?"

Zayn hmm at her words as she overshared.

"I have been coming here for so long, all the kids love me. They all celebrate Halloween together. You can join this year if you want I am sure they'll be happy to see you!"

"I am sure they'll be blessed to see me again!" Zayn mumbled without looking in her direction adjusting his seatbelt a bit.

Sofia frowned at his choice of words but didn't overthink it much. Letting it drift to the back of her mind.

Suddenly Zayn's phone pinged and Sofia glanced at him and back at the road. Zayn checked his phone and when he saw what Luke have texted him, a smirk instantly formed on his face.

"Well Sofia, I guess it's my turn to show you a place!"


"Seems like your lover is a bit off this time!" Luke commented as soon as Zayn got off the car.  Zayn frown at his comment but turns to Sofia.

"Hey Sofia, I hope you have seen a corpse before?" Zayn asked dead plan.

"Yes, Obviously after all I am Green Lily!" Sofia counter back and all the men in her radar gasped, not believing Green Lily was standing in front of them.


Zayn smirked as he just walked ahead of her, away from everyone towards the dead body Luke informed him about. His gang was standing on the far side of the alley. It was a rule that Zayn will always check the found corpse first until then his gang will find out about the person. It was a rule set for as long as Zayn could remember.

Zayn walked into the darkness and finally saw the corpse but the first thing that catch his attention was the big 'fuck you on the wall. It looked spray painted. Anyone could mistake it for a regular street wall painting but Zayn know what it was as the little smile right next to that word made sure that who wrote it and why a little trademark just to let him know that it was exactly for him to see. Zayn shook his head and snorted while turning back to the corpse.

Just to do a double-check, Zayn kicked the corpse making it fall on its stomach, a dead blood-covered sunflower lay there and Zayn's smirk made its appearance again. He took the sunflower, placed it neatly in his pocket, and walked back to his man.

"Did the writing style match?" Zayn questioned Luke as they stood away from everyone else.

"It did!" Luke quickly replied and asked one of his men to hand over his iPad. He quickly took it and started looking through the emails.

"What did this man do?" Zayn asked as his gaze fall on his man, half of them walked towards the bleeding corpse.

"He was acquiring evidence against us," Luke informed as he read the email report that was sent to them through an unknown email, they never tracked it back, not cause they don't want to know who it is. It's just a mutual understanding that the real person or hacker won't let the email track it back to them and their boss never really worried about the helper as they call that person.

"What's the use, don't we just own half the system?" Zayn said while walking towards his car leaving Sofia behind.

"Report says that, He was working with FBI!" Hearing that Zayn stopped on his footing and looked back at Luke. He didn't say anything but did glance over his gang's checking every man's face,  just to find how all of them were staring at Sofia, who had some gloves on and was checking the body.

"Hey, Sofia mind helping my men around this case? I am in a hurry right now!" Zayn said with a smirk, not even waiting for her reply he already know that girl will be too thrilled to even say anything. Luke frowned at the scene,  they were going to be assessed for a case that was already solved. That never happened before whenever a thing like this comes up all the men in the gang were told that this case is just not for them or it was a stray corpse but this time it was different but why?

What mind game was Zayn playing?

In seconds Zayn was inside the car and drove away to the darkness of night. He smiled to himself as he thought about the dead blood-covered sunflower, then his mind diverted to how Harry gave him the nickname sunflower, and then he started missing him, realizing how he haven't even seen his face in days. Even earlier this evening the guy looked too frustrated and gave an attitude toward Zayn.

Zayn controlled the urge to just show up at his dorm and ask them to sit next to him and chat about anything but everything. Just to hear him talk slowly,  how his slow talking keeps Zayn saint. He remember the little date they had a few days ago, how they shared food and talked bout their possessions. Books Zayn smiled at how books were the thing Harry chose to talk about on his date, out of everything he chose books, and a quiet peaceful feeling set in Zayn's chest as he made a U-turn and search a bookstore to try the book Harry recommended him, all while a soft smile plastered on his face. 


Thoughts on Zayn?

Thoughts on Harry?

Thoughts on Sofia/Green lily?

Do thoughts on the situation?

Thoughts on why Zayn reacted like that?

Was Harry jealous?

Why was Zayn so worried?

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