Chapter 21

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Five days later.

Five days. It has been five days, 120 hours, 7200 minutes, and 4,32,000 seconds. Since Zayn saw Green lily's face, have been closer to her than he has ever before. Finally, he knows who she is, her whole face, not only her green eyes. Five days since he told his man to search like crazy for her. He could feel he is closer to her than before, he knows she is around but she just doesn't want to be found.

But as much as he would love to celebrate this victory of his with his squad, he can't as a part of him wasn't really at peace. A feeling in his chest haven't been at ease since the night Harry left him outside his dome building. He was confused as he saw the sudden change in Harry's behavior and it has been 5 days and 4 nights since then.

He was walking towards his class, zoning out on his walk a lot of thoughts overpowering his mind. Who Harry really is? Where is he now? Is he really in a gang? Or was that gun just for self-defense? What was he doing in that ally and as those thoughts come to his mind? He realized how he haven't for once thought about all this in the past 5 days. He should have called his man to do a background check on Harry from the start but something in him, a feeling in his gut always stopped him.

As if asking him to trust the dork, let the time tell the truth about his identity. A familiar feeling roams in his body every time he thinks about Harry but words were not enough to describe how he feels. Or maybe his mind wasn't prepared to feel these things, resulting in him never being able to identify the feeling. Other then frustration.

His intellectual talk with himself come to halt when he heard a voice calling him. He turned around to see a girl wearing baggy blue jeans with yellow crop top with her curly hair, was running towards him. As his eyes travelled upwards to her face, his mind got the shock of the century as he finally recognized who the girl is. Even though he was shocked thought he didn't let the shock be seen on his face. His lip twitch in a satisfying smirk but he fought to not let it seem.

The person he was running after, just come running to him. What more could he ask for?

Zayn didn't say a word as she pants in front of him, he kept on looking at her while she fill her lungs with oxygen. His eyes roam over her face and her body and a little voice, like a faint whisper in his head mumbled 'she looks so much like Harry.' but as soon as that thought come Zayn dismissed it.

It can't be maybe they have similarities, yeah but Harry is far more appealing than her. As Zayn replied to his subconsciousness, he felt like slapping himself for even calling him appealing. First cause he wasn't supposed to think like that about the younger lad. Second, now as he have found Green Lily, air quote the love of his life there was no space for someone else.

"Are you Zayn?" Zayn saw her lips moving but the words didn't register in his mind. She spoke again with a frown, her hand coming to touch Zayn's forearm, his eyes followed her arm but before she could touch he moved away,  his body working on its own.

"Yeah, I am Zayn!" He simply replied and not trusting his words and his own gut feeling, that was telling him something isn't right. He shut everything up just focusing on the girl standing in front of him.

"Hi, I am Sofia!" She said, stretching her hand out. Zayn switched his eyes between her hand and face as he finally decided to shake her hand. The habit of noticing the little details told Zayn how her hand wasn't rough or hard, they were more soft and delicate as if she have never held a gun.

A frown crossover Zayn's face and again a voice in his head whispered. "yet Harry's hand are rough and hard but still so delicate." Zayn shut that voice out and nod at Sofia's words.

"Anyways-" She started but Zayn's attention drifted over to that one person who owns the most beautiful Green eyes and curly hair Zayn has ever seen. He was standing between a group of people, seems like someone made a joke as he laughed and Zayn felt a itching type of feeling telling him 'he never laugh like that with you."

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