Chapter 24

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Yo, people everybody okay? Cause i didn't get the repose I expect on last chapter?


Zayn walking inot the cafe near the college. Quickly placed the order and picked up his Mocha coffee while walking towards the college campus. He pulled out his phone as he read the email Luke send him in the morning. Telling him how Sofia had been giving all the men strict instructions and ordering them around. She looked so focused on her work that she didn't even show her face to Zayn for a few days and Zayn was quite impressed with the way she work.

So far in her report, she has found out who the dead person was and how he acquired so much information. With a single glance, she even told them how the killer have killed him. All the little details were so accurate that even Zayn was impressed, his whole gang was just whipped for that female. Some even commented how she might be the one who killed him cause of her accuracy but when few of them got to know she was with Zayn the whole night they accepted the fact it wasn't her.

Zayn glanced up from his phone after reading the report about her and run a hand through his hair while pocketing his phone. He spotted that one person that he was here for and pushed himself away from the wall as he walk towards him. Zayn stopped in front of him and blocked his way.

Harry slowly lifted his eyes and meet Zayn, a hard glance thrown Zayn's way as soon as their eyes meet. Harry rolled his eyes and ignored him at first but when Zayn didn't step out of his way, he got frustrated.

"What are you doing, bimbo?" Harry snapped as he started walking forward not waiting for Zayn or even giving him a second glance.

"Coffee?" Zayn smirked as he offered the coffee from his hand to Harry, who just looked between Zayn and his offered coffee.

"Is it sugary?" Harry asked still trying to get away from him.

"Yes, just how you like it. Sweet and sugary!" Zayn replied as he thrust it into Harry's hand. Harry looked between the coffee and Zayn's eye before finally taking it.

"Don't you have a Sofa, Safola, or whatever her name is to offer coffee?" Harry said between taking a sip of his Mocha. 

"Toùch! Between she won't even ignore me if I bring coffee for her" Zayn teased as he noticed how Harry was wearing his hair up in a ponytail. "Your hair looks nice like that!"

Anger started to build in side Harry as he heard his comment He quickly gulp down the coffee and throw it away in the trash can, he looked Zayn dead in the eyes and pulled his hair tie. Wearing it around his wrist, his hair fell down past his shoulder and he started walking towards the car parking of the university, his face holding a pissed look.

Zayn jogged to keep up with Harry, walking right next to him as he chuckle looking at Harry who looked flushed and furious. "Your torso looks good, I like your style and the way you show your tattoos!" Zayn continued as Harry start to button up his shirt with an eye roll.

"I like your pants too!" Zayn said as he stopped in his steps, he saw Harry place his hand on the belt was just when he was about to open it. He stopped looking at Zayn with a glare and walked back towards him as Zayn couldn't control his laugh, he burst out and laughed while standing there for a few minutes, his face turning red.

Harry stood in front of him and fake laughed. "You know what looks good, my fist coming in contact with your cheeks!" Harry countered back and raised his hand to hit Zayn but was stopped mid-air. Punching his car that was parked right next to them. The glass of the car window shattered in pieces. Some of the glass pieces cutting through Harry's hand as Harry looked away, his eyes filled with rang and some unshady tears as he doesn't meet Zayn's eye.

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