Chapter 51 - Traitor

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A/N : this is a
short chapter


Henry sped through the streets. Anger fueled inside of him. He mentally prepared himself for today. For what's about to happen. He parked outside of William's house. He got out keeping the gun hidden within his coat. She held the journal tightly. It had been moments after reading everything that had been in that journal. Every. Single. Detail.

He knocked on the door hard. A couple of times more before William answered the door. William swung it open, an annoyed look on his face before it was plastered with a fake smile. "Henry!-" Henry swung and punched William's face knocking him down "I know what you did. I know EVERYTHING you did" Henry glared at him. He was trying so hard to not kill him in this very moment.

"Oh- did that stupid boy tell you now?" William chucked standing up, almost stumbling on his feet. "No one told me anything. You will stay away from me and the kids. I don't want
you anywhere near them or anyone." William looked down at the journal and he laughed "Y/n told you. You think i'm stupid? I will live forever and watch all of you die!" he shouted "Fuck you!" Henry punched him to the ground again and grabbed him by the collar "I will be the one watching you die and root in prison for everything you have done to us. You had the perfect life William what more did you want!" Henry shouted in his face. "For my family and I to live longer.. Clara was going to fucking die Henry! I needed her alive!" "Yet you killed her!" "Oh henry.. but she's alive.."

Henry let go of William as if he touched poison ivy. He stepped back as the police sirens were heard in the distance. William tried to escape but Henry pulled out the gun, shooting his legs to keep him from moving. He dropped the gun towards William as the police came and quickly handcuffed william. William looked at Henry in the eye once more "Traitor" Henry whispered and they took William into the car. Henry watched as William limped and struggled to sit. The police didn't give a shit. They knew damn well that this crazy man deserved it.

Henry got back in his car after they questioned him. Henry gave them the evidence he found within the last months. Henry finally felt at peace. A sense of closure. "I got him baby.. I got him.." he told himself or rather hoping that Charlie was listening. His eyes began to water and turn red. He broke down crying, leaning his head against the wheel. If it haven't been for the kids, Henry would have killed William himself.

Finding out that your best friend was a murder is something unforgettable. It sticks with you. It ruins you. The one person that you trusted everything with. Your dreams and your future plans. It felt ruined. But oh the sweet taste of revenge is what filled the poor old man's heart.

This was revenge for everyone in town who had lost their child in that horrible pizzeria. Henry knew deep down one thing he was going to do was make things right. For the future of the company. Afton Robotics.

Laughter echoed through the house. Kids laughter. Elizabeth and Sammy giggled at a board game they were playing in the living room. You joined them bringing a couple of snacks along with you. Michael turned the TV and it went straight to the news.

"Today police reports that the mystery of the missing children case has been solved"

Michael stood up

"It's other than the co owner of the famous family friendly diner, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. William Afton"

Michael froze. You froze. It was done. You didn't know how to feel. You were more worried over how Michael and Elizabeth would feel. "He's.. he's gone" Michael said breathlessly. His heart pounded out of his chest and he felt like crying. Was it joy? It definitely was. The bruises were slowly revealing themselves as the makeup came off. "I'm free" Michael whispered to himself. He felt the heaviness lift from his chest as he saw a picture of his father being in prison. It finally happened.

"Michael" you stood up and hugged him tightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist holding you tight. Tears streamed down his face "I can be happy.. I can be happy with you" he sniffed and kissed your cheek. You couldn't help but cry as well. It was the sweet taste of revenge. Everything you and Michael have been through.. a whole year of pure torture was gone within the second of hearing the news.

So many emotions went in between you. So many all at once it all felt overwhelming. You both let go sitting back down on the couch. Sammy and Elizabeth looked at the both of you. Elizabeth. Her eyes were glossy, she looked like she experience her first heart break. "Daddy..?" she whispered, her eyebrows furrowed "What happened to daddy?!" Elizabeth stood up stomping on her foot "Liz.. it's hard to say.." "Daddy is innocent! Daddy would never do such a thing!" she began crying "I hate you all! This is your fault Y/n! If you never came here everything would be normal!" she scream throwing a toy block at you. She ran up the staircase followed by the sound of a door slamming.

A shiver went down your spine. My fault.

"I'll go talk to her" Michael rubbed your back before going after Liz. You looked down at the block thrown at you, holding onto it. A tear went down your cheek. You felt the voices come back and everything that you have gone through. Everyone that died. Everyone that left. Everything that brought joy was taken away.. but at what cost?

You were surely convinced there was absolutely no way you helped William with his little plan but you couldn't help but think it through. If you had stopped William sooner would any of this have happened? Would Gregory be here? Dad? Charlie? Everything didn't make sense. You just felt like hiding from the amount of possibilities if this was prevented.

You could have kept Gregory safe

You couldn't keep your father safe

You couldn't keep Charlie safe

It's only a matter of time before they leave too


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