Chapter 43 - If feelings could talk

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Now Playing: ❝ Tell It To My Heart - Taylor Dayne ❞ [▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 0:00 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 0:00

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❝ Tell It To My Heart - Taylor Dayne ❞
0:00 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 0:00


You and the group went through every store and all you could find were the classic costumes. You admired a few but ether they were too inappropriate for Henry to allow or too modest. You and Michael decided to go with Angel and Devil for now until you both found something better. You noticed Victoria being distant and quiet. Mari checked up on her a couple of times and all she could buzz out was "I'm fine". But she wasn't really fine and you knew that. Her face said it all even if she laughed at a dumb joke or Mark falling from a banana peel. You could tell her eyes were ready to let out tears fall down her dark skin cheeks.

Each time Jeremy's new girlfriend spoke there was an irritating pain pulsing at the sides of your head. Her laugh was loud and annoying her voice was too squeaky. She acted as if she was quirky and "not like the other girls" type of vibe. If you were to walk out of a dressing room with a bathing suit she would be the first to judge. Jeremy rubbed the back of his neck and messed with his cuticles when he found himself getting uncomfortable. But why couldn't he just say back off or leave? What and who is this girl..

You looked through the variety of flavors of ice cream not being able to decide for the past 5 minutes. The employee in front of you grew impatient, taping their food against the white tile flooring. "You're holding up the line!" An old lady said from the back of the line "Okay okay! I'll just get... f/f!" you smiled and everyone let out a sigh of relief. After you and Michael joined the others at the food court. Your eyes spotted Victoria sitting at the edge of the bench. Her leg was shaky and she wrapped her arms around her torso, covering the mom shorts and crop top she wore. She felt insecure and horrible just sitting next to Jeremy's girlfriend. Annie.

Her name was sweet but she was the devil in disguise. She wore that sweet girl smile well but in reality she was cursing and bashing everyone that was sitting at the table inside her mind. She swore she wouldn't get herself involved with these types of things anymore, but Jeremy's family was loaded with cash. Her hair was black and shiny, her skin was ever so light like snow, and her eyes sparkled a beautiful blue ocean color. Now the description that was given, you must think this girl is some sort of Angel but once you knew her she was unattractive.

But oh boy. Jeremy didn't want Annie. Oh no. Jeremy wanted Victoria. Even her name sounded beautiful each time it rolled off of his tongue. Each time he spoke to her the way her soft and fluffy brunette hair swayed in the wind. Her dark forest green eyes that he would get lost in each time. He sat in the back of the class to just admire her beautiful face. Her button nose and each mole she had, each freckle. The way she talked, the way she moved. The way she laughed and smiled over things. When she would look over at you and Michael and feel that jealousy of "Why couldn't I have love like that?" but both were way too blind to see that they were made for each other. Despite helping each other out find their partner that was right in front of them this whole time, little did they know they were having this same exact problem.

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