Chapter 15 - Yellow Roses

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Now Playing: ❝ Angel - Madonna❞ [▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47

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Now Playing: ❝ Angel - Madonna❞
1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47


The sunset rays of golden and orange peeked through y/n's curtains as she sat on the rough carpet floor. She looked out the window a bit admiring the sunset. She remembered the day her and Gregory had an icy treat while admiring the sunsets. It was their usual thing to do over the weekend. She couldn't keep crying anymore. Her eyes felt dry as her cheeks did, overlayed with dried tears. She looked at the bear once more "Look Gregory it's the sunset you always loved.." she caressed the bear in her arms as she starred back.

She sat the bear next to her as she pulled her knees to her chest. She began to wonder if her parents were really okay now. She hasn't heard a word from them this week. Not from her mother's aggressive behavior or her father's muffled crying. It broke her heart more every night to hear how stressed her parents were knowing it was all her fault. At least that's what she thought of course.

She knew she needed to make an effort to make things better. It's what Gregory would have wanted. He must hate seeing his family falling apart from above. "I'll do it for you Greg" y/n had a sudden wave of motivation as she finally opened her door. The door creaked as she slowly turned the knob to open it. The house was awfully silent. She looked back and forth through the hall. All doors were closed shut as if the house was left abandoned.

She opened her parents door. She saw her father laid on the bed sleeping again. His chest rose up and down. His hand hung down still gripping onto the sleeping pills. She sighed in disbelief to see her father this way. She closed the door slowly to not make any noise. She turned around and stepped forward into the bathroom. Her feet stepped onto the cold tiled floor causing her to shiver a bit. She stood in front of the sink and allowed herself to look up in the mirror. "How did I let it get this bad.." she looked at her oily hair as strands were poking out of her tied back hair. She took out the hair tie as her hair stayed in the air. She placed her hand in attempt to comb through it and it felt stiff and tangled with multiple knots.
"This is going to take forever" she sighed.

Michael however had been collecting homework for Y/n. He had only wrote notes down in a separate notebook as he promised the teachers she would eventually catch up. He placed the last sheet of homework into a folder for her. He had everything organized. More organized than his room. More organized than anything he's ever done. He signed finishing the last sentence the teacher had wrote neatly on the squeaky whiteboard. The final school bell rang signaling for students to leave. They all rushed to the exit as if there was a zombie apocalypse in here.

Victoria grabbed her belongings and made her way over to Michael. "Hey doofus, what happened to Y/n? I've been trying to call her since her brothers funeral" she placed her hand on her hip switching her weight to her right leg. "She's having a hard time just give her some space-" Victoria furrowed her eyebrows as she slammed a hand on his desk "No Michael, she needs someone there for her! Did you not see the way she looked at the funeral?! I doubt anyone is taking care of her right now!" Michael realized she was right. He had no idea if she was being taken care of properly. Or if she was even taking care of herself "Yeah you're right" he placed his last belongings in his backpack and stood up from his seat swinging his backpack over his shoulder.

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