Chapter 9 - Rockstar

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Now Playing: ❝About A Girl - Nirvana ❞ [▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47

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Now Playing: ❝About A Girl - Nirvana ❞
1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47

A/N- I hope this is less embarrassing and cringey 🥲


My dad shook me awake "Hey kiddo it's time for school" I groaned as I blinked myself awake. "I'm up i'm up" I tossed the covers away as he exited the room. I stumbled over to my closet and grabbed an outfit and placed it on. I headed over to the bathroom and fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. I went back in my room grabbing my backpack and made my way downstairs. "Good morning y/n" "Good morning greg" I sat down next to him on the dinning table as mom placed two plates of stacked pancakes for us "Eat up you two or you'll be late"

We did as we were told and I looked at the time once I was finished. "Alright I'll be on my way" I said my goodbyes and made my way out of the door. I looked over at the Afton's. Guess we aren't walking to school today. As I walked more towards the school sound of guitars and singing could be heard. I walked through the doors and towards the courtyard where most of the noise was coming from.

There Michael was in the middle of the stage. He was holding that red & white  guitar wearing his foxy mask. Chica mask was on the drums. Bonnie was playing the bass and Freddy was the second guitar lead. I looked over the crowd and spotted Victoria and Mari sitting in front of the seats with an empty seat next to them. I went towards them. "Hey girl!" Victoria waved and patted the seat next to her. I sat in between them "Hey guys" I looked over at Michael who was talking with his band mates. "So whats going on?" I looked over at the girls "Theres a talent show all day today" Mari explained. I hummed in response turning my attention to the boys.

"Alright students please settle down!" the principal shushed the students talking among themselves. Once it was all quiet, Michael then spoke "This is a cover of About A Girl By Nirvana"

He cleared his throat and began strumming his guitar. A few seconds in he continued to sing as people began cheering and clapping to the rhythm of the song.

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night

I'm standing in your line
I do hope you have the time
I do pick a number too
I do keep a date with you

I was beyond mesmerized just alone by his voice. His singing wasn't that bad, it actually suited him well.

The song came to a finish as the students clapped and cheered "Let's give another round of applause to Michael's Band" The students cheered once more as they did a quick bow and got off stage. "Up next we have Maria and The Diamonds" A brunette girl along with her friends came up on stage.

After a couple of shows, The school bell rang, meaning it was lunch time. Everyone talked among themselves as we made to the cafeteria. "So what do you think?" Victoria nudged my shoulder picking up a red lunch tray. "It went well but it's giving me a headache" I sighed looking at the variety of food choices.

Timeskip After School || Monday 3:04 Pm
Michael's POV

The school bell signaling that school was over. I starred at y/n seeing her pack her things. "Dude when are you gonna tell her" Jeremy nudged me "Soon! I just need some time" "Have you guys even hung out?" Mark snickered. "Yes she comes over to baby-" "Besides that dick face" I sighed in frustration as y/n waved goodbye to the stressed teacher. "If you don't make a move someone will.. and that someone is me" Richard smirked "You aren't even good for her!" I furrowed my eyebrows "And what makes you say that YOU are better?" I stayed silent. I was in no energy to be arguing over him. "It's y/n's choice boys" Victoria walked from behind us making us jump slightly. "She has a point"

Mark said as he shifted his weight to one leg. I sighed "Okay okay i'll make a move on her" I grabbed my belongings and headed outside, looking both ways and I see y/n walking down the steps. I run over to her and go by her side "Hey y/n!" She turned around "Oh hey mich-" she almost tripped and I grabbed her arm prevent her from falling off the stairs "Oh shit.. thanks mike" she balances herself and I let go of her arm "It's nothing" I mumbled "Um do you want to go on a... um.. date?" I mumbled the last part "go on a what?" "Can I take you to the movies this Friday?" "Sure! That sounds like fun" we made it to the bottom of the staircase and began walking to the exit

"Let's walk home, sorry for not being there this morning" "No worries, your performance was worth it" she smiled and it made me blush.

"You really are a rock star afton" "You think so?" "Yeah I mean honestly i'd rather have you give me lessons then your parents paying me for babysitting" she chuckled "For you, it's free my lov-" I slapped my hand on my mouth "my what?" she turned her head towards me "my little uh..bagel" I ruffled her hair feeling myself get nervous "Gee thanks my little tea bag" "Tea bag?!" "You're british so" she shrugged and began laughing.

I shook my head at her joke.
"Well i'll see you later if your mom has any babysitting for me to do" she stretched her arms as we arrived at the front porch of her house. "Yeah of course" "See you mikey" she ruffled my hair and entered the house, giving me last warm smile. That absolutely made my day.


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