Chapter 4 - Foxybro

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Now Playing: ❝Pretty Girls Make Graves - The Smiths❞ [▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47

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Now Playing: ❝Pretty Girls Make Graves - The Smiths❞
1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47



I grabbed my dirty clothes that laid on the floor into the laundry basket. I picked up the broom and started sweeping my bedroom's floor. The Afton's payed me $20 for babysitting. It didn't seem like much but it was enough for me. I had the pleasure of already taking care of 2 angels and William was already helping my father out with the new job offer. So it didn't bother me so much. I just can't put my finger on how am I suppose to get along with Michael. I want to be friends with him. Everyone seems to enjoy his company but he's so mean to me. Am I too ugly? Am I too annoying? Maybe I was being too harsh and bossy around him. But it isn't my fault, he's always giving me new insult nicknames.

I placed the broom against the wall and grabbed the basket, went over to the laundry room placing the dirty clothes in the washer. I grabbed the detergent and measured just enough and poured it on my clothes. I closed the washer and pressed a few buttons adjusting it to my liking and started it. I grabbed a jacket and my cassette player along and my $20. "Mom i'm going to go to the park!" I shouted "Be back before 8!" she shouted back. I headed out the door, watching the sunset hide through the mountains.

I put my headphones over my ears and began playing music. After a few minutes of walking, I headed inside a liquor store. I went over to the drinks and grabbed f/d and f/s (favorite drink & snack) I went to the cashier and the lady scanned the items "That will be $5" she looked over to me as I gave her the $5 bill. She inserted the 5 dollar bill and nodded, meaning I could go. I grabbed the items and heading out. I placed my snack in the pocket of my jacket and opened my drink and took small sips of it. I guess I could use the rest of the money for thrifting. I spotted a park not too far away from the store and I decided to head there. I arrived at the park and placed my drink to the side and sat down on the bars reaching for my snack.

Michael's POV

Me and my friends were walking and heading to the park. That's when I spotted her. Richard nudged me "Hey there's a girl there" a smirk grew in his face. I rolled my eyes but then I remembered my idea. I wanted to scare her. Maybe then she will leave me alone. "Hey guys" I turned over to my group and we all huddled. "Let's scare her" I grinned and they all nodded in agreement. We all put or masks on and creepily went behind y/n.

We all pooped from in front and behind and watched her face turn pale and her eyes widen as she dropped her snack. We all backed up and started laughing.


I placed my hand over my chest and dropped my head down and closed my eyes. I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest. "Holy shit" I let out a breathy sigh. "Relax it's just a joke" I knew that voice from anywhere "Michael?" I looked up at him as he lifted his mask and had the biggest smirk on his face. "You asshole!" I tackled him on to the ground and punched his face. "What the fuck!" he pushed me off and got on top of me and pinned my arms "Unhand me now!" I struggled to get out of his grip as it tighten more "Who the hell do you think you are huh?!" "What are you even talking about?!" "You are always bossing me around you annoying piece of shit!" "I do it for your own good!" "Yeah right!" we both argued back and forth while his friends just stared. "You guys realize what position y'all are on" they smirked and me and michael's face turned pink "disgusting" he got off of me and dusted himself off. "geez took you a while" i scoffed and grabbed my drink that was near the swing. Before I could leave one of them pulled me in the middle of them "Not so fast pretty girl" I groaned "What do you guys want?" "Make sure to not mess with us.." he smirked and made me get chills down my spin. "whatever" I pushed him out of the way.  I glared at Michael and left the park.

They just had to ruin my day. I never want to talk to that idiot again. I walked up to my porch and went inside and took off my shoes and set them aside. I closed the door and went upstairs straight away. "Hey honey-" they heard the door slam and I screamed in my pillow. "Is she okay?" my parents looked at gregory and he shrugged and continued eating chips. "Can you check on her greg?" "Why me?" he whined "because she's your sister" my mom argued and Gregory finally gave up. He went upstairs and knocked on my door "Y/n?" "Leave me alone!" he sighed "Y/n open up please". I went over and unlocked the door and opened it "What?" "Just wanted to check up on you" I stepped aside and watched him come in and sit down on my bed.

He patted the empty spot next to him and I went over to sit next to him. "What's going on?" he began swinging his feet. "It's Michael.. i've tried everything to get along with him but he's just so.. rude" I huffed. "He likes you" "Likes me?! No way" I rolled my eyes. "He does, my friend in school acts like that with only this particular girl" "I really doubt that" "Just give him some time he'll warm up to you"  I hummed in response. "Thanks greg" "Don't mention it" he got up from the bed and left the room.

I took a deep breathe, knowing how long it would take for him to warm up to me.
Maybe I should be more distant from him.


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