Chapter 42 - Girlfriend

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❝ Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol ❞
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Midnight settled in Utah. Thousands of stars sparkling over the beautiful night sky. Clara parked her car in the driveway, pulling the keys out of the ignition. She exhaled and leaned back in her seat. Her head was pulsing and her feet pained her as if she had stepped on sticks. She pulled her bag and went inside her home.

She kicked off her shoes and hung her coat on the coat rack. The kitchen was a mess filled with plates of dirty food. The living room filled with toys from Elizabeth. She sighed and left her bag along with her keys on the counter.
She walked up the stairs and went into Elizabeth's room. She was sound asleep on her bed. Her face covered in stickers while wearing her princess dress and crown. Her strawberry blonde hair spreading over her pink pillow cases. She smiled softly and turned the night light off, closing the door behind her.

She walked into Michael's room, seeing him lay on the bed holding onto Evan's fredbear plush toy. The dried up flowers from the hosptial stayed on his bedside along with melatonin pills. Michael kept his eyebrows furrowed. His cheeks being stained with pink blush and his lips shined with red lip gloss. Clara suppressed a laugh and pulled the covers over Michael. She smiled and kissed his forehead, caressing his hair. She stood there for a good moment remembering the memories of her first child. All of the trouble he would get into even as a baby..

"William put Michael down!"

William held Michael in the air, examining him. Michael's face being covered in variety of colored markers. Michael giggled and reached to touch William but he backed up and cringed. A strange and awful smell came from Michael. "Honey! I think the brat needs a change of diaper!" William called out placing Michael back in the crib.

Clara came in and shooed William out of the room. Clara prepared everything and began changing Michael into new clothes and a clean diaper with a clean face. She would be lying to herself and everyone if she said she didn't love him. She loved him more than William.. more than herself. Michael's wavy brunette hair was getting longer by the minute.. it was a struggle getting it to be brushed.

Clara kissed the top of Michael's head, placing him down on the placemat. Michael began crawling around and grabbing toys and stacking them or trying to create something new. "You're just like your father.. always creating new inventions" Clara pinched his cheek making Michael whine. "Okay you're just like me then" she continued and Michael smile. Despite him having no knowledge of his father, he knew he was no good. He would cry or throw a tantrum if he was away from his mother too long. He grabbed a piece of paper and began chewing on it "No Michael! Bad Michael!" clara snatched the paper out of his mouth. Michael frowned and began chewing on his foot.

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