Chapter 49 - Beginning of A Breakthrough

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A few weeks have passed by since the death of Clara Afton. No one has found her body or any evidence. It only brought you and Michael the feeling of guilt. The world has gone more gloomy than usual. Michael hasn't been at school. The household became quiet. More quiet.. without her in the house it feels as if the house has gone cold. I didn't dare go into the Afton household. I knew what that asshole did to her and it makes my blood boil.. how could he do this to such innocent people.

I've read and seen plenty of crime but I never realized how heartless a family known to be family man could be. He had a successful business. A wonderful family. Why struggle to figure out immortality? What was the purpose?

"Y/n! Pay attention!" the teacher yells at me. I jerked my head up from my laying position and focused as the teacher went back to talking. The students around couldn't help but turn and laugh and talk. I could care less about it. My mind is occupied with billions of things. Homecoming is in a few days and I don't want to miss it. But I don't want to go alone or with that jackass. I want to go with Michael. Yet I don't even know if he's up for it. I haven't seen him since the incident.

The school bell rings dismissing the students. Before the teacher could conclude her sentence the students in class had already left. I walked down the hallway, keeping my head low. I've had a headache for the past days and no matter what I did it wouldn't go away. I opened my locker lazily and placed the remaining items back into my locker. Thankfully, the day has ended. I haven't seen Victoria around ever since that party. Nor Jeremy or Mari. We've all distanced ourselves and I hate it. I wish things would go back to the way they were..


third person pov

Y/n entered home, placing her backpack near the door and taking off her shoes. She looked around and the house was quiet. Henry hadn't mentioned anything about them leaving. She shrugged it off and walked into the kitchen picking out a snack and sat on the couch. She turned on the tv and changed through the channels in hope to find something to amuse her.

I'm sure you're curious where Michael is and what happened to him but. We will get to that part later.

Henry gathered some papers and placed them in a folder. He placed them in a drawer and locked it shut, hiding the key in his pocket. William came in his office with glee written over his face. "Henry! The new pizzeria will be opening tomorrow! Isn't that fantastic?" he chuckled "That's great Will. I'm proud of ya for making your own restaurant now" Henry let out a fake chuckle. "Couldn't have done it without you" William smirked. "How's Michael doing? Elizabeth?" Henry asked with concern in the tone of voice. Of course it dread William talking about his children. He didn't care for them anymore. They could take care of themselves they were old enough, so he thought.

"Oh they're fine Hen. They are talking a few days off school to mourn their dear old mother"William rolled his eyes. Henry payed attention to his expressions and attitude. There was definitely something going on and he was catching on. "You seem stressed. I will pick them up after I pick up Sammy from school tomorrow." Henry cleared his throat "Oh that won't be necessary! It's fine really-" "I insist William." Henry's voice changed into a more sincere deep tone. "Well if you must insist" William answered with a bit of annoyance in his tone of voice. He rolled his eyes and left the office.

"I got you now old pal"

William unlocked the front door and entered taking off his coat and setting his keys down. He took out a cigarette and lit it up. He smirked and walked down the staircase to the basement. He opened it slowly, the door creaking.

"Oh Michael.. you're still alive?"

Henry walked in with Sammy. Y/n laid asleep on the couch with a bag of chips next to her. Henry chuckled and turned off the tv. Sammy looked at y/n with a sad look. "I don't think she's okay papa" Sammy looked at Henry "She's just asleep kiddo.." "No you don't hear it but I hear her cry at night.." Sammy felt sympathy for you. Despite him being a kid he felt grown up. Forced to grow up.He lost his sister. His best friend. His mother.. he doesn't want to lose his older sister either... "She just needs some time" Henry pursed his lips and rubbed the back of Sammy's back. Sammy laid next to you keeping you company. 

Y/n's Dream

It was the same dark room where my father died. "Glad you came back" the voice behind her spoke. She turned around but there was nothing but darkness. "Who are you" you tried to keep composure "I know everything about what happened. Because I'm the one who did it dear" The man spoke. He walked around the room his oxfords softly clicking against the floor. "I don't understand" you spoke. "I saw you at the pizzeria. You have the journal. My journal." your breath hitched "W-william?" you softly spoke "Correct! And guess what.. I killed your father." he kneeled down to your ear "I killed your brother.. I killed Charlie.. I killed all of those kids you saw in the Journal.." he laughed.

"Why.. why would you do such a thing!" you yelled. You wanted to jump at him but you couldn't move "Power dear. Me and my family will live forever with my experiments... but thanks to you! That was all possible!" "W-what" your heart dropped to your stomach "You brought me your brother, you let your father die, you let all those people die despite knowing what I did.. you helped me my dear" he caressed your hair "No- no i didn't!" I slapped his hand away from me "Oh but you did.. don't think I didn't know that Michael told you. Don't think I didn't catch you and Michael snooping in my pizzeria. I would be careful if I were you Y/n. You're going to end up alone. But no fear really.. you're going to end up working for this pizzeria for the rest of your life. And If Michael even makes it out alive.." he stood up walking around you "M-michael?"

You woke up panicking. "Michael.." you whispered his name. The tv static echoed in the living room. Sammy was asleep beside you and Henry's snores shaking the house per usual. Luckily you remembered the dream vividly and you know what must be done.

"Such a sad boy. You could have finally made your father proud but yet you failed to. Even failed your mother.. your sister" Michael clenched his fists. His body was all beaten up. He doesn't even remember what day it is. His hands were tied behind his back. Since the day his mother died, William found out about everything Michael and you knew. Michael was to suffer the consequences and die in the basement. But seems things have changed now according to him.

"The plan has changed. You and your sister are to be with Henry while I focus on the grand opening of Circus Baby's Pizza World. You are to keep your sister away from that clown if you know what's good for you and you mustn't say a word about this do I make myself clear?"

"Yes father"

"However if you do plan on telling anyone about this, i'll make sure your precious y/n dead within a second. I mean it Michael. Don't you dare test me."


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