Chapter 45 - Ruination

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❝ With or Without You - U2❞
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The hospital room was dark and cold. The rustling noises of nurses and doctors talking among one another. Michael sitting in the corner of the room while the parents talked in concern over Sammy's accident. William and Clara rushed in stressed from their argument that was never to be finished. It's never meant to be anyways.

Sammy's forehead was wrapped in white bandages. Occasionally a small smile would curve in the corner of his lips. This brought back traumatic memories from the past for everyone in the room. We've all been in this same situation before. Everyone practically has ants in their pants from the anxiety building up each second.

Night time approached quickly. Henry's face looked exhausted. Dark circles formed over his eyes, bags hung from underneath. Wrinkles formed over his cheeks, forehead. Gray hairs formed over his brunette locks of hair. The wonderful look of a stress single parent.

William and Clara eventually left and drove back home in the silence. Small mutters of conversation passed on from the radio about the daily shenanigans of teenagers these days. William managed to compose himself even if there is something or rather someone missing in his creations.

You and Michael however stood by Henry supporting him. You both knew he was going through so much just the same as the both of you. You knew this familiar feeling and exactly how it went. You grew to blame yourself for moving here.

Everything was going fine until I moved here.

A tear fell down your cheek. As much as you tried to hold back your anger and sadness it was no use of fighting anymore. You stood up and left the room. Michael looked at you with concern and quickly followed you. "Y/n!" he called out to you but you ignored him and continued walking down the hall, you kept looking at the signs that pointed towards an exit. "Y/n! Hey wait up!" He called to you again as you made a sharp turn, causing him to stumble on his feet.

He held your shoulder and turned you around once he caught up. "Hey what's wrong?" he starred at you "What's wrong? Everything is wrong! None of this would have happened if I hadn't moved here!" You shouted. The nurses turned heads to stare at the two of you. Your eyebrows furrowed together as tears streamed down your face. "Hey hey let's take this outside" Michael hushed you but you didn't compromise.

You were angry. At the world. At his father. At him.

"We should have put your father in jail a long time ago! Coming here was a mistake! My family would still be alive if it wasn't for your father!" You pushed him and he stumbled back.

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