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I groan.
"Rashad?" I call out weakly.
"Rashad?" I call out again when he doesn't answer.

I tried to use my hand to wake him but he wasn't there.
The noise still continued.

I lazily wake up and make my way to the upstairs living room.
I find Rashad on the rug watching the tv as Fareed was lying comfortably on his father as he kept talking in baby language.
"Yes, Yes, I know" Rashad kept replying.

"What's going on here?"
Both of them turned to me.
People keep saying Fareed took after his father but I didn't really see it until this very moment.

Rashad smiles "We weren't sleeping so we got something to eat and decided to watch"
I chuckle "That's nice but I think the volume is too high"

"He prefers it this way"
I look at the screen then back at him "You're letting your 11month old son to watch John Wick?"

He smiles "It seems like my son is a Keanu Reeves fan, I couldn't be more proud"
"You do know you're teaching him violence right?"

He looks at Fareed "Am I teaching you violence? Or am I saving you from your mother's poor taste in movies"
"Poor taste?"

"Yes, all you do is watch telenovelas, Korean films and Turkish dramas"
"No I do not. Well, yes but I watch other things as well"

"You know John Wick but have you ever watched it?"
I shake my head "I've seen it trend on Twitter and I've heard people talk about it"

He smiles proudly "Then this is perfect. I know it's difficult for you to go back to sleep after you wake so come join us"
I stare at him hesitantly.

"Or not?" He asks daringly.
"Fine" I surrender.


So after my conversation with Rashad the other night I decided to meet up with Labiba, catch up and check up on her.

"Hmm" was the first thing she says when she joins me "So we can't meet at your place now? We have to meet at a restaurant like acquaintances?"

I shake my head "No, you just got off work and I thought choosing a restaurant near your workplace would be more beneficial for you"

She nods "That's true though. So how have you been doing? And Rashad?" She asks about my husband distastefully.
"Well I'd appreciate it if you'd stop talking about my husband that way, you don't like him and I can't force you but please respect him, he's never offended you so I see no reason why you'd scrunch up your face each and every time I or you mention him"

She just nods "You talk more, I'm happy for you"
"Well, if he's disrespected then that's also disrespect to me, I've learnt that"

She giggles "I feel like I'm talking to someone else, you've grown a pair"
I chuckle "Well I have to. Zoya had pushed me"

"Zoya?" She asks curiously.
I nod "She's been behaving oddly for a while now and every once in a while a few sour words are exchanged"
She says nothing.

"So how have you been doing? You don't look so well"
"Maybe because—my parents are getting me married, to someone I don't love"

It shocked me. Labiba's parents are big on marrying someone you choose so this really surprises me.
"Why? But none of your 9sisters were forced, why did it have to be you?"

She huffs "They say they can't keep waiting for me but honestly I'm thinking it might just be the best solution. I'm single at my age and even when I do get in a relationship I dump them as fast as I start dating them" she smiles "At least my groom is good looking and from an influential family so I think all is well"

I shake my head "Is it? I've come to realize that marriage is just about prayers. Sometimes marrying someone you love isn't happiness. People think marrying someone just like you will make it work but sometimes marriage needs difference, sometimes those differences balance the relationship"

She nods "You've become a pro"
I smile proudly "I know".


Nasir's POV.

Unlike before when I barely went out with Khadija so we wouldn't get caught, now I just don't care.

I brought her to the park with me today. She's never been the type who liked crowded places so this was the best spot. The trees, the air, the garden like feel and the warmth of the gazebo.

There's a cocktail stand just at the entrance so that part was handled perfectly.
She links her arms with mine "You look good today"

I smile "Good? Have I always looked horrible"
She shakes her head "No but most times when you and I are out, you look like someone is chasing you. I can't deny that I suspected you might be married or trying to dupe me"

I chuckle nervously "No, that just doesn't make sense"
She looks at me suspiciously and smiles afterwards "I know, I was joking".

I nod.
"It's foggy today, I like it when it's foggy"

She shrugs "It feels unknown"
I smile.
This woman makes me so very happy, like she brightens my day. Being with her makes me so happy but I'm going to miss Zoya nonetheless. She's very very toxic and believe it or not I wasn't like this when we first met. She turned me into this but at the same time I can't say all the blame is on her, she never put a knife to my throat. But I will miss teasing her, seeing how she gets scared or alarmed when I mention her bartender or her performance in bed. I still ask myself, why do I hate her so much?

I think I might have an answer to her, but that's left until after the birth of her child.
I scoff just thinking about how she wants to pin this child on me.

I know what you're thinking, how am I so sure the child is not mine? Well I'm not a reckless man.

Khadija nudges me "What are you thinking about now?"
I smile "Nothing"

"Really? It seems like it's making you excited?"
I smirk "Really? I can't deny I'm a bit excited but maybe it's because I'm with you"

She giggles "I know what you're doing".
She just shrugs.

You won't understand how much this woman makes me happy. I know you're thinking, why not marry her as a second right? But she doesn't know I was married and her parents have men lined up ready to marry her so if I lose her, that's it.

My phone starts vibrating.
"Sorry, I have to pick this"
She nods.

"Nasir, Where are you? Zoya is in labour!" Our neighbor Ahmed says alarmed.

I felt like screaming and shouting, this was a moment between my girlfriend and I, somehow Zoya has found a way to ruin it all.
"Send me your location, I'll be there soon"
"Okay, you should hurry. We just arrived at the hospital"

I end the call.
I huff.
"Is something wrong?" Khadija asks looking worried.
"An emergency"

She stands "Then you should go, I'll ask the driver to come pick me up"
I shake my head "No, I'm not leaving you here. It's not safe. It's an emergency but not serious enough for me to leave my wife in a park all alone"

She chuckles "Are you sure it can wait?"
I nod "Yes. It can and if it can't then too bad".

She intertwines my hand with hers "Then let's go".
I could help it, I just kissed her.
She pulls away blushing "Let's go".

Last Chapter Coming Up!

Fatal Attraction.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon