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I can't believe it's been three years already.
It feels very long.
But it's been three years of complete bliss.

It's not that my business blew up after Mimi and Zoya's dresses although it has but it's that after three years Rashad and I are finally getting hitched.

I'm talking about a week from now and I'm dying of excitement. I completed my dress like three months back, I started it since his mother asked me to tell my family that he wants to make it official.

Yes, his mother and I are practically besties and like I predicted when I investigated him back them, his parents were separated and now they're off traveling the world together. I can't deny I want the same for Rashad and I, it would be a dream come true.

"So? Are you really having just one event?" Labiba asks a bit bummed out.

I nod.
If she only knew how difficult it was to get Rashad to agree to that one then she wouldn't be so disappointed.

"Yup, my parents are cool with it and so are his"
She huffs "I've been dreaming about how I'd throw parties when you're getting married since the first day we met and now he's limiting it to just one, he's being selfish"

"What? I'm cool with it. Plus weddings are unnecessarily expensive now"
She frowns "You're not okay with it. Ruqayyah you sewed six different gowns, your parents told you the money didn't matter and you've been talking about how large you want your wedding and how long it'll last. But his words are law, if he says don't do something, you don't. Do it, you do. Is that really the kind of life you want for yourself?"

I shake my head "I love him and I'll do whatever to make it work".

She huffs "Fine, if that's the life you want. Do you" she walks out annoyed.

She won't understand now but she will eventually.


Rashad's POV.

The closer the date got the more desolate I felt. Don't get me wrong, Ruqayyah is a great girl, she's perfect but not for me.

If I knew starting a friendship with her would lead me to this day of pure misery I wouldn't have done it in the first place.

What I felt for her wasn't love, it was just pure friendship and I never proved otherwise. I kept my distance but that didn't change a thing.

I thought she was this outgoing girl with a jovial personality, one that was addictive but it wasn't supposed to be love.

I know you're thinking 'If you didn't love her, how did your relationship last 3years?'
I still ask myself that question.

She was the one who made a first move when she asked me out. It shocked me as I thought we just had a friendly relationship so I disagreed but the girl almost slid into depression and I felt pressured to agree. She's a good person and I didn't want to be the reason for her sadness.

She's poked herself so far into my family that I'm the one who feels like an outsider. As far as I'm concerned Ruqayyah and I are related now and I'm not joking.

But through the years those feelings for her as a friend stopped existing because I felt so choked and shoved against a wall that sometimes I just can't stand her. Everyone keeps looking at me like I'm the one who took it this far but it isn't. This girl played with me so bad, it's feels like I'm a puppet she's controlling and it's frustrating and exhausting.

Now my parents are forcing me to marry her and somehow I am. I keep wondering if she's really involved herself with my life that I've changed, the old me would never ever agree to the marriage but for some reason here I am trying out my wedding attire.

"Ruqayyah was right, brown is definitely your color" Fai'za my younger sister screams in excitement.

And did I mention I can't get away from her, I can't away can't away from hearing her name.

I roll my eyes.
"What? You don't like it?" She asks disappointedly.

"I just can't believe I'm actually doing this"
"I know right, I'm freaking excited"

I huff.
"Fai'za, can you excuse me please? I need to rest my head for a bit"

"I get it, the wedding jitters"
"Yeah that" I say just so she could leave.

I groan the moment she goes out.
I need to leave the house.
If I stay here, I'll die of frustration.


Ruqayyah's POV.

Rashad wouldn't pick up my calls all day, I think he's getting more nervous as the day approaches.

I understand him, I would too.
I sat in the living room with Jabir and my mother.

"I honestly thought you wouldn't get married until you're 30" he jokes.
"Well—too bad you were wrong"

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't"
I roll my eyes "Yeah. You're probably one of those men who still wouldn't be married at 50 and keep saying he's searching for the right one when in reality your life is over"

He just stares at me.
"You really thought about that one, didn't you?"
"It's been on my mind. Don't piss me off" I hiss.

"It's like you two have forgotten that I am here, right? Or am I invisible?"
I shake my head "He can be very frustrating"

"He's saying that because he'll miss you, he does want to admit it" she says laughing.

I really doubt Jabir will miss me, the boy is the real definition of a pest.
"Anyway—Ma I was thinking maybe I could wear the baby pink dress for the dinner"

She looks at me a bit unsure "Why the baby pink? Isn't it too simple?"
I nod "It is but it'll go better with the theme and he says it's a good color on me"

"Hmm—it's your mother you're telling that, since you're getting married shame is thrown out the window. There's nothing I won't see"

I chuckle "Ma, you're exaggerating"
"Oh, I am? Okay if you say so. It seems like I can't say what's on my mind now"

"Ma, we didn't say that" Jabir adds.
"I feel bad for myself" he says frowning. My mum does this when she wants attention.

I walk over and sit next to her, putting my arms around her "What would we do without you? Life itself will become meaningless, it'll be an endless void".

"So, you've now resulted to sweet talking me. That's fine. Be as sarcastic as you want"

This woman is really confusing.
I hug her tighter.
"Now you're trying to suffocate me"

I couldn't help but laugh "Ma, seriously?"
She smiles "Go make me a cup of tea"

"Okay" I say getting up. She quickly shakes her head "Why should you? You can't be getting up while your younger brother is here" she looks at Jabir "Make me a cup of tea"

He frowns "Okay" he excuses himself.
"Hmm—he frowns each time you tell him to do something. I wonder if it's just my son or every male child that exits"

I smile.


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