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The wedding was probably the most fun I've had in the longest time. For me fun has never been parties and weddings but instead books, eating, watching and talking. They seemed more spellbinding.

What I'll never understand is how this generation depicts eating at restaurants as a flex.

Maybe the meaning of what a restaurant has changed and I haven't realized it. But you don't need parties, picnics, get togethers or any social group gathering to hang out with friends.

I'm not ruling out those things but in this generation for a 'relationship/friendship' to thrive it has to include all that stuff, completely unnecessary if you ask me. Nowadays some friendships are only based on social media and it's so sad.

People could be friends for years and yet never been to the other's place because they're too busy eating food in restaurants and taking videos for the gram or TikTok.

Anyway, enough of all that unnecessary issue.

Well—for starters my first night was disappointing. And no, it has nothing to do with my husband's capabilities it's just that it was nothing like I expected which is sad really.

It almost felt like he wasn't into it but maybe he was just tired. I mean he didn't seem so interested in it and I prepared and spent alot of money just for this night but it still wasn't how I expected.

"So? Any juicy details?" Labiba asks. She called me so early in the morning.

"Nope, not any I'm willing to share"
"You can be a real killjoy"

"So where is darling lover boy now? Off to the sunset?" She asks sarcastically.
"Don't start with me, not now. He went to work"

She squeals "Immediately after? This is the time your bodies explore all parts of the house, see which one suits your kinky taste"

I roll eyes "Can you please not be a sicko talking about my sexual life?"
She huffs "Okay, well let's talk later, I need to get to work"

I nod "Bye"
"Don't let the man make you feel less of yourself" and with that she ends the call.

I get it, she's worried about me and I'm glad but I can handle it on my own.


Aysha came by my store.
She's Yusuf's older sister.
My dear friend lives a little too far now and I can't deny that I miss him so much.

"So? I can see the store is filled up"
I nod smiling.
After my success with my sister in law and Mimi's dress my business blew up, it flourished. I was getting more customers than I imagined I would so I had to purchase the store next to mine to expand it.

Now we have dresses on racks arranged based on colors, size and texture. I can't deny that I'm really proud of myself.

"Yeah, can you believe it's a slow day?"
She was surprised "Really? That's shocking but I'm proud" she says hugging me.

She might be Yusuf's older sister but it felt like she was mine as well. He's lucky with family.
"I'll go ahead now, I just dropped by to see how my sister's doing"

I nod "Thank you so much for coming, it means a lot"
She winks before walking out.

Zainab my younger sister rushes over "Is Yusuf really staying in Switzerland forever?" She pouts.

I shake my head "He has family and he'll eventually get married so I highly doubt that"
"Really? You're sure? What if he marries an oyinbo woman?"

I couldn't help but laugh "He'd never do anything like that, that I'm sure of".


Zoya's POV.

Crying myself to sleep has become a norm now, I do it all the time and my husband doesn't seem to care.

I don't understand why or where it all went wrong. It really breaks my heart that he's behaving this way.

It's only been three years and he's changed so much.
He comes back with lipstick stains on his clothes, coming back covered with women's perfume and even condom wraps in his pockets.

What the hell am I to do?
I've tried talking to him but all he says it's that I'm not a woman.
What the hell does that even mean?!

I don't know what do to anymore.
And at that moment he walks in with a smile on his face, humming happily.

"What's so exciting?" I ask annoyed.
He chuckles "Wife, you're still awake?"

She huffs "Do you know what time it is?"
"If I'm right it should be around 2am"

"And you're coming home by 2am? That seems normal to you?"
He groans "Look, I'm exhausted and all I want to do is sleep peacefully. I just want to rest so if you're going to nag me go to your room and sleep instead"

I stay quiet.
Since we got married, we've always slept in his room, we both preferred it.

"So because I'm questioning you for coming home by 2am with no explanations you want me to leave?"
He nods "Yes please and if you don't like that I come home by 2am next time I would just stay out the whole night, maybe you'd prefer that, right?"

I was fuming but more than anything I wanted to cry, why is he treating me this way?

A tear escapes my eyes and I wipe it away.
He groans again "If you're going to cry, do that elsewhere and don't bother me" he switches off the lights and jumps on the bed.

"Goodnight" he says happily.

I don't deserve any of this.


Ruqayyah's POV.

Rashad has been in a mood since he got back, I thought about giving him his space but I'm getting worried, he barely ate.

I enter his bedroom, he was lying down on his back looking at the ceiling blankly.

He turns and looks at me "Yeah?"
I walk over and sit on the bed, resting my hand on his arm "What happened? You've been in a mood since you got back"

He huffs "I just want to be alone at the moment"
I nod "I get that but I can't help but worry seeing you this way, I can't just turn my head pretending nothing's wrong"

He sits up staring at me, blankly "Are you really worried? Or is this a pretense?"
The question confused me. So I didn't answer, instead I stared back at him.

"You're not answering"
"Because I don't plan to"

He raises his eyebrows "So you're planning to ignore me?"
I nod "I don't understand why you'd ask such question"

He groans "Ruqayyah just let me be"
"I'm sorry but no, not until you tell me what's wrong"

He lies back down "Then I guess I'm ignoring you too. When you're done you can leave"
I huff "You don't need to be so difficult just because I care"

He sits back up "Please stop caring, I don't want you to care!! Your care has brought nothing but pure misery to me and I don't want it anymore. If you care about me as much as you say you do, then leave. I'm tired of being a puppet in your play"

I smile "Maybe you'll feel better after taking a bath, I'll put on the heater for you" I enter his bathroom put on the heater and walk out. He was still looking at me frustratedly.

I walk out.
Immediately I do I hear him growl angrily.

I fought back the tears as best I could and made my way to my room, I need to rest too.


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