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Ruqayyah's POV.

Abba called for a family meeting. Nothing good ever comes from our family meetings, just more misunderstandings.

I arrived like an hour early and went straight to my room to get some sleep. Did I mention Fai'za now stays with us? Rashad brought her, he says Zainab is too busy with the shop and his parent's are not in town so she should come stay with us and so far it's been great.

She's great company, she's a good cook and she sets the workers right. Because of my former issue they've decided to do as they please but now she's setting them straight.

So as you can guess she brought me here and since I entered my room we've just been talking. If I haven't mentioned Rashad is 33years, Zoya and I are 25 and Fai'za is 24 while Zainab is 22years.

The door opens and Mami enters "We're waiting for you" she announces before walking out.

Fai'za smiles "You promised Ya Rashad you wouldn't stress yourself so when it gets too intense make an excuse and escape"
I chuckle "Sounds like a great plan" I reply sarcastically.


Because of my state I was told to sit on the couch across my parents while my two siblings sat on the rug, uncomfortably.

"So—It has come to my attention that a certain matter is getting out of hand" Abba starts.

I'm sure it has something to do with Zainab.
It's going to be a really long day, that's why I just gave Fai'za Jabir's laptop to watch.

"Two of your aunts have approached me regarding the matter and they came separately. Are you now reporting me to others?"
My dumb brother looked around confused.

"Zainab? You're quiet" he calls her out.
She stays quiet. Zainab has always been a bit timid.

"Can I speak for her?" I ask.
He looks at me hesitantly before nodding.

I take a deep breath "The truth is—Zainab has been dating Sadiq for about four years now. Abba this man has been waiting for 4years but now he's parents are pressuring him to either make it official with her or he marries someone else. I know you keep going back to the fact that denying my marriage back when I had just graduated saved me from a lifetime of heartbreak but that doesn't mean it's the same for Zainab. What if Sadiq is chased away now and she doesn't meet anyone else?"

He scoffs "She's just twenty two, she shouldn't be desperate to get married"
"She's not but she's at the verge of losing someone who sincerely loves and cares about her, she's just worried"

He shakes his head "I've made my decision and I'm not going back on it. No one else can make decisions regarding my family except me. You focus on your family now, let me handle mine"
"But Abba—"

He hisses "I've told you Rakiya, stay on your lane and do as I say".

I stay quiet.


Zoya's POV.

Nasir and I have gone from being husband and wife to just roommates. He goes out with his girls and I've been kinda feeling someone lately.

I can't deny that the fact that I haven't been home as often doesn't bother Nasir. The first night I did it to see if he'd react but he never bothered and it hurt badly.

I huff.
He puts his arms around me "What's going on?"
I raise my head and look at him "Nothing much actually, just thinking of a friend"

He raises his eyebrows "The pregnant one? The one married to your brother?"
I shake my head "She's not my only friend"

He nods "Yes but she's the only one I know you're avoiding, why?"
I take a deep breath "Because I thought I'd be happy. She's technically living my dream. What I have always wanted, to get married to the man I love and have a child but look where I am now. In a hotel room with my fling"

He chuckles "Harsh"
"So it's not my fault when I can't stand her, not because she's done anything wrong but because that's what I deserve. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have married my brother, I'm the one who told him she was losing her mind after he rejected her"

He takes a deep breath "It sounds like you're getting bitter, you don't sound jealous you sound angry. But she didn't ask you to help her back then and just because she smiles doesn't mean everything is going well in her marriage"

I roll my eyes "She is"
"You smile, are you happy?"

I just stare at him "We're here to have fun not to talk about my sad and pathetic life"
He nods "I'll give you fun if that's what you want"

I pull the duvet to cover my exposed body.
"As a bartender, have you ever taken alcohol? I know it's haram and all but have you?"

He smirks "I've actually gotten drunk a few times"
I giggle "What was it like?"
He huffs "Regret. I've come to realize that in this world there's a reason why some things are prohibited and I guess I've learnt to avoid them"

"This is prohibited, what we're doing. But you're still here"
He nods "There are some things that I can't control and my urges is one of them. They're beyond my control and if you agree to marry me it wouldn't have to be haram"

I laugh.
"You think it works like that?"

He nods "It's easy, except if you don't want to marry me"
I shake my head "Let's leave fun where it is for now"

He smiles "Then let me make your night memorable".


I gasp when I see them in my living room.
Fai'za and pregnant Ruqayyah are in the living room with Nasir.

I didn't come home last night and continued my fun with Malik but I really wasn't expecting to see them in my house by 10am.

"What are you doing here?" I ask nervous.
"You were the one who kept complaining about how I've been ignoring you so I showed up and brought someone along"

They both smile.
I stare at them before turning to Nasir who seemed like he stayed the night at home.
"You're here?"

He tilts his head "What darling? You think I'd be out sleeping around with a bartender"

I glare at him before turning to the girls "Come on, let's go to my room"

They both follow me upstairs.
I was nervous, what if either women find out and tell Rashad? I'll be ruined for life. He probably wouldn't even leave me alive.

I flop on my couch as both women sit uncomfortably on the couch. My room looked a mess, yes I might have messed it up while I was looking for an abaya to wear in a hurry yesterday after Malik called me.

"What's going on here Zoya?" Ruqayyah asks suspiciously.
I shake my head "What? What are you talking about?"

"Your house looks messy and it's so unlike you so I gotta ask"
I ignore the question and sit next to her clasping her hands "So? How far along are you?"

"Just three months"
I smile "Fantastic, I can't wait for my little nephew"

"Really? Is that why you've been ignoring me? Or are you avoiding me? You've not been picking my calls or replying my messages"
"I'm sorry, I've just had a lot on my plate"

"Hmm" she says scrunching her face as she looked around my messy room.
"There's something wrong with you and you're hiding it from us" Fai'za states confidently "You can't hide anything from us sister, you know it"

I stay quiet.
"Will you tell us?" My sister asks.
I ignore her.
"I'll get you two something to take". I rush out.


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