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Zoya's POV.

I was sitting on the kitchen island watching on my phone while I waited for my food to finish cooking.

Nasir struts in smiling "Hello wife"
I ignore him completely still watching.
My phone starts ringing and I freeze.

"Why is Ya Rashad calling me?" I murmur before picking up.
"Brother, how are you?" I answer faking excitement.

"No need pretending, I want to see you tomorrow"
"That sounds nice but I have—" he cuts me off.
"—you have nothing. So I'll see you here, no excuses" he ends the call.

I stare at the phone. Could it be that he found out about Malik?
I was frightened but Nasir giggling as he leans on the fringe got my attention.

"What did you tell him?" I question.
He shrugs "Nothing much"

I get up standing infront of him "Why are you laughing?"
"Well—he was the one who asked to meet me and I agreed as the good brother-in-law I am".

At this point I was already shaking.
He groans annoyed "Calm down. I just told him you've been behaving oddly because you're envious of his wife, that's it. What? You thought I'd mention your poor boyfriend?" He scoffs "I don't need to ruin that relationship, it'll disentangle itself really soon at least once he gets tired pretending you're any good unless—are you paying him?" He asks excitedly.

I clench my fists "shut up"
He huffs boredly "You're too easy, at least try to put up with a few insults before you get all teary. You bore me" he groans walking out.


The conversation with Ya Rashad was short. Just about 10mins before he rushed out.

It was the longest and scariest 10mins of my life. I don't know why but he frightens me, I know how my brother gets when he's angry so I try to avoid getting on his bad side at all costs.

Now I'm left with Ruqayyah and my sister. The last two I want to spend my time with.
My apparent sister in law is almost due and looks like a complete different person with the weight she has gained and as usual my sister has that resting bitch face.

"You look good" I compliment. I want this done and over with so I can leave and not see them for a long time.

She tilts her head with a smirk "Is that even true?"
I raise my eyebrows "What's that supposed to mean?"

She huffs "is it true? What Nasir told Rashad?"
I laugh sarcastically "Now my brother reports to you?"

She says nothing just waiting for an answer.
"I don't need to respond, I don't answer to you"

She nods "I know that but what if I can help?"
"With what? My crumbling marriage? No thanks" I answered annoyed.

She starts talking ignoring me completely "There's something called Tribulus Terrestris and with it you can actually—let's just say you can get pregnant"

I pause.
Could what she's saying be true?
Wait! How did she know about something like that?
Did she use it too?
Is that why she's pregnant?

She smiles "No I didn't use it but I wanted to if your brother had denied having a child with me" she states, it didn't seem like she was lying so I shrug.

"Where did you get it from? And aren't these things usually perilous?"
She nods "They are but this is healthy. It's safe for the body, it also reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, it keeps the uninsured track healthy so you can think of it as a dietary supplement"

I was unsure but I doubt Ruqayyah would ever give me something she wouldn't use or doesn't trust.
"Where can I get it?"
She huffs "Aunt Hadiza has it hopefully. I'll call her and you can go get it yourself"

I nod "Thanks".
"Use it as a tea and don't give him too much"
I nod.
I stayed a few more minutes and bounced.


Ruqayyah called and told me I could collect it from her Aunt on my way home so I rushed there and got it.

When I got home I found my dear husband on the treadmill in his room, he's stressed. He always does it when he's stressed.

I shove the bottle in my bag and enter the room confidently.
"What's with you?" I ask folding my arms.
He huffs "Nothing, I'm just working out"

I nod "This marriage might have ended months after for you but not for me. I paid attention and I know you, you only get on that dusty treadmill when you're anxious"

He chuckles "I guess you do know me" he says getting off, picking up a towel to dry the sweat.

I nod proudly.
"Nothing is wrong actually"
"Nah, you just admitted it by saying that I know you and I've noticed how much time you spend at home lately, did the girlfriend dump you?"

He shakes his head "On the contrary, I'm looking for a new one. I think I might have commitment issues—or the fact that the house suddenly feels like home, mostly because it's empty"
"Ah" I say in realization "So I made it—you did all that because of me? You hated seeing me that much? But if this marriage is in shambles why not just end it?" I ask curiously.

He huffs but stays quiet.
Now this actually got me thinking.
His father and mine are close friends, divorcing me might just be an issue for him because I know Nasir and he doesn't take precautions but this must really be something which I could use for my benefit.

"Well—whatever I don't even care. I'm taking tea, do you want some?"
He looks at me hesitantly but nods "Nothing bitter"

I nod and walk out.

I lie down on my bed waiting for things to kick in. I came back 10mins ago when he sipped his whole tea into his perfectly good body. Now I'm behaving like I'm the one who took the tea.

I jerk up.
What if he decides to go make use of it elsewhere? He never jokes about condoms and contraceptives but Aunt Hadiza says when they're in that state they don't think, they just want to get right into it.

So I followed him to his room.
He was lying down on his bed with his mouth open staring at the ceiling. I think it really has kicked in.

I wore one of his favorite lingerie and sat right next to him, resting my hand on his thigh.
"I think you need help with that" I say looking down at him.

He looked so needy and it's making me so excited. I'm going to drag this on for a while but he doesn't say a thing.

"Don't you want help? You can't go out now to get that taken care of for you"
He looks at me skeptically taking the fun out of it.

"Don't worry it's just—" I stop and then I felt it again and rushed to the bathroom. And started throwing up, it took me a while and I brushed my teeth afterwards.

I came back in and found him seated on the bed, resting his head on the headboard.
"You good?" He asks with a smile.

I nod.
"Can we get to it?" He asks with a smirk.
"Right away".


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