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Rashad's POV.

I hate going to anything relating to my father's family, neither of us do and including my cousins.
But I'm just so thankful that I'm back home with my wife, child and sister.

But I can tell something is off completely.
Ruqayyah has been acting so guilty and she and Fai'za keep glancing at each other so while she went to get Fareed ready for sleep I approached my sister.

I find her seated on the stool in the kitchen using her phone giggling. It was a disturbing sight because firstly, that giggle is related to a man and I'm 99% sure and secondly the fact that it's Fai'za giggling like that, it's abnormal.

"You seem to be in a good mood" I say with a smile.
She looks at me suspiciously "You look off"
"How sister?"

"The way you're smiling and the way you're talking too"
I just stare at her.
"Am I making you feel perturbed?"

She nods "Obviously there's something you want to discuss with me"
I walk over and sit on the stool next to her.
"What's with Ruqayyah?"

A look of worry flashes on her face.
She huffs "She should tell you herself since it concerns her but you should listen"
"What is it?" I ask getting worried.

"It's not like it's too serious, it's just a delicate issue for her so please try and listen, don't make her feel bad about it and support her"

I shake my head "You can't tell me to support her when I don't know what it is"
"That's why I said she'd tell you herself"

"So I should accept it? What if it's something I can't accept"
"It's not like she's cheating or anything like that. It's not even something she was aware of until now, but it is something she needs your encouragement. She loves you and it would mean the world to her"

I nod "Fine but being told to support someone on something you know nothing about isn't easy at all so I need to know what's going on. I can't be kept in the dark and be called an inconsiderate husband, it just doesn't make sense"

I walk out.


I have not been able to sit around Ruqayyah.
I've never been the type to hide how I felt or hide my curiosity so I never tried to.
But the fact that I need to pretend I don't know anything when my curiosity is killing me isn't entirely easy.

I also can't deny that I think whatever it is she's keeping from me isn't as simple as Fai'za painted it out to be.

I huff leaning on my car.
I came outside right after dinner, to clear my head and to get some air.
"It's a starless night"

And turn and see Ruqayyah standing beside me.
I nod "It is"
She walks closer and leans on the car next to me "Is something bothering you?"

I wanted to say no and just let it be but what kind of husband would I be if I let her keep living in fear. Because that's the only plausible reason why she still hasn't told me, maybe she's afraid how I'd react.

"Yes. Because something is bothering you and you're not telling me"
She bites her lips nervously "You noticed?"
"It's hard not to when you're always absentminded"

She nods "I know I'm sorry"
"That's fine. So? What's wrong?"
She takes a deep breath "I have Dissociative amnesia".

I was confused "What? Since when? And what is that? You've lost your memory?"
She shakes her head "No, it's when I lose fragments of my memory. Well technically not really fragments but I can't recall information about specific events in a certain time"

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