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Ruqayyah's POV.

So I'm already 6weeks pregnant. It still feels surreal honestly but that morning sickness, it's bad like really bad.

Rashad has been going to work late just to take care of me and I know if it continues this way he might just end up losing his job and I can't live with that so I asked Mami if Zainab could stay with me instead.

My sales girls can manage the store and she'll be going in daily to at least check up on things. I've decided to make my visit a weekly visit since I do the sewing in the comfort of my home.

The nausea subsided so I decided to go to Rashad's room and sleep instead. Lately, his bed feels more comfortable as it's a string mattress while mine is a bit hard because making a bed with a soft mattress it just ain't easy.

I wanted to sleep but it really didn't seem like that's happening so I watched on my phone instead. I'm lying down face first as I dangle my hand by the edge of the bed so I'm literally staring down to watch, any other position and I might just lose it and I mean it.

My phone pings.
Labiba's name pops.

Are you ghosting me?

I continue watching.
It's not like I'm ghosting her but it's just that she can be a overbearing a lot of times. She wants you to give her attention when she wants it and doesn't care what you're doing or what situation you might be in.

I huff ignoring it.
And then my phone starts ringing, her name flashing on the screen before the call is announced.
I groan.

All I want is to rest, I've been feeling seriously antisocial lately, I just feel like disappearing from the face of the earth completely but ofcourse with Rashad.

It rings out and I smile.
Hopefully she doesn't call again but my hope shatters when it starts ringing again.
I groan.

And in that moment the door opens, Rashad stood there looking at me questionably. I don't say a word and neither does he as my phone continues to ring. I felt irritated to my very core, like throwing the phone at a wall.

"You good?" Rashad asks looking worried "Did I do something?"
I raise my eyebrows "Why would you think that?"

He shrugs "Maybe because you look so irritated. I've never felt so degraded in my life. Did I do something?"
I just stare at him. I admit I am irritated but not at him.

"Your silence is worrisome"
I smile.
"And your smile is worse, I'd rather you stay irritated" he adds making me chuckle.

He smiles as he walks over and collects my phone "Who is bothering you?"
I huff but say nothing.
And right on cue it starts ringing again.

He looks at me surprised and smirks "You're getting irritated by Labiba's call? It's shocking, very very very shocking actually"

He picks up the phone.
He immediately scrunches his face with irritation, I couldn't help but laugh.

He and Labiba never really liked each other and I still do not understand why. She says he's using me and he says she lacks manners and is a busybody. But it's just because he doesn't know her, she's actually really caring and nice.

"Yeah, she's feeling under the weather so she's asleep. You can call her later or better yet wait for her to call you back"
I frown at his choice of words, I might not feel like talking but she's still my best friend.

"No Zainab is coming tomorrow but you can see her instead. Good talking to you, bye" he ends the call in a hurry.

He huffs "I really don't understand how you can be friends with her she's really cocksure".
"You've never tried"

He smiles "So you speak?"
I giggle "Yes"
"I think I almost forgot how your voice sounds like" he takes in a deep breath "I ordered some food. I'll take my bath before they get here"

I nod back.
"I hope it's something good".


I feel like my life is about to end.
My body despises anything meat.
Which is shocking as I am obsessed with meat. Whatever meat just give it to me except of course the ones I can't.

My baby doesn't like me eating meat, yam or anything nice. But instead I love pap, moi moi and boiled sweet potatoes. What the hell?!

Rashad teases me about it once in a while but sometimes my emotions get the better of me and I flip. Now I understand the whole hormones thing, I'm just six weeks and I'm all over the place.

Mostly just irritation, anger and happiness. I get sad but I mostly sleep when that happens. But no matter what mood I barely talk, I'm not sure if that's a thing but it's happening to me. Talking feels like a chore, a very hectic one at that.

Zainab and I decided to go see our Aunt Hadiza. Her husband died and what kind of nieces would we be if we don't go.

I wanted to drive but Rashad said it's either Zainab does or we don't go at all so she drove us here.

"What excuse did Jabir make this time?" I ask fixing my veil after coming out of the car.
She huffs "Apparently he has to go to court with his boss"

I roll my eyes "That excuse has gone stale. Let's go in"

Okay maybe it's just me but for a woman who lost her husband just last week this woman is a bit too cherry. She has always been that cool, fun aunt but this just isn't normal.

Zainab and I keep looking at each other confused.
"So I heard I'm going to be an aunt, I'm so excited"

I nod smiling embarrassed.
"So what about you Zainab? When do you plan on getting married?" She asks, the question making my sister frown.

"I'm not sure. Abba wants us to get married after school so I'll have to wait"
She shakes her head "That isn't right, are you still with Sadiq?"

She nods.
Aunt Hadiza looks at me "He did the same to you, right?"

I nod "He did. I tried talking to him but you know he can be stubborn so I gave up. I did it back then when I was dating someone else and I doubt he'll listen now"

She looks at me confused "Someone else? Who was this someone else you're talking about?"

I shake my head.
Honestly, I don't remember much about him. All I know is that we dated for a while and that's it.

"His name?"
"I don't really recall" I shrug "It probably ended badly, maybe that's why"

She and Zainab look at each other before my sister shakes her head. I don't know what this is about and honestly I am not interested in it. There's a reason I don't remember the man I dated, he probably was a terrible boyfriend anyway.


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