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I asked Malik to meet me at the library.
I mean, who actually goes to the library?
No one.

He uses his hands to cover my eyes, trying to joke like he normally does but I wasn't in the mood, not at all.

I slap his hands away, glaring at him.
"What's with the attitude?" He asks annoyed.
"I thought you wanted to have some fun, was that not the reason why you asked to see me?"

I groan "What? Are we supposed to have sex on the shelves or the tables in a library where everyone will hear us?"
He huffs "Why do you have to make things so difficult? We were just having fun with no strings attached and we were enjoying it but you ghosted me. Now you're behaving like I forced you to show up. Don't play around with me, either you're in or not but don't treat me like I'm stupid" he says angrily.

I huff "The last week we were together, was there a time you didn't use a condom"
He nods.

I nudge him "Why not?!"
"Well—you said we didn't need it. I told you I could get it ASAP but you said that you take contraceptives and that it didn't matter"

I groan.
I think I remember saying that but I don't remember taking contraceptives afterwards, I forgot we didn't use protection.

He gasps "No. Don't tell me—you're pregnant?"
I nod "But it's not yours"

He scoffs "Really? I'm not stupid. Your husband didn't touch you, I would have known"
I tilt my head looking at him daringly "How would you know?"

"Because you stopped contacting me the moment he did. And if I can remember clearly we met a few more times after that night so I know he didn't touch you" he huffs "But you can pretend it's his, I don't really want to be tied down by a child I had out of wed lock"

I fold my arms "How am I sure I can trust you not to say a thing?"
He chuckles "That's the thing, you can't but you don't have a choice anyway so—" he smiles.

I nod "Good but we have to stay far away from each other"
He nods smiling "Oh I will, now more than ever".

He walks away.
Men are really scum.
It wasn't like I would have ever left Nasir for him but I actually thought he liked me genuinely but I guess not.


I found Nasir in his bedroom, lying down and watching. I walk over casually, getting on the bed, sitting next to him.

"You're back early? Where did you go?" He asks curiously.
I smile "The hospital"

"Ah, you're not feeling well?" He asks not sounding particularly interested.
"Yeah, you haven't noticed? For three weeks now"

He nods and continues watching.
I clasp his hands "You're not going to ask what's wrong with me?"

He turns around and looks at me "Well, you're excited. I doubt it'll be good for me"
I nudge him "Come on be serious"
"I really am"

I shrug "Anyway—it's great news"
"What?" He asks boredly changing the station to a sports channel.

"I'm pregnant"
He froze.
I mean like someone just hit a pause button.

He looks at me "What? You're pregnant?"
I nod.
"Have you not been taking your pills?"
I shake my head "I have"

He just stares at me.
I just hope he goes along with it.
He smiles, one that made me feel unsettled. It wasn't excitement but something else that I couldn't seem to pinpoint "So I'm going to be a father? That's great news"

I frown "You say you're excited but you don't look that excited"
"Yes I'm not that excited. You and I both know I don't want to have a child, at least not now so yes I'm not excited".

That really doesn't matter to me, what matters is that he's accepted it without questioning it.


Rashad's POV.

I rock Fareed in my arms as Ruqayyah got dressed. We're going to go see my grandparents.

"Are you sure you're good? We can reschedule if you need more rest" I suggests.
She chuckles "I can't be resting forever Rashad and your grandparents need to see him"

I nod.
I saw her doctor the day she was discharged. He warned to keep her away from stress and let her rest. Apparently because of her history with depression we have to make sure she's happy, to avoid postpartum depression.

"Is Fai'za coming along as well?" She asks curiously.

She walks over and sits next to me "I think she should just stay"

She huffs "She's been with us for months. Cooking, taking care of me and now Fareed as well. I don't want to keep stressing her, you know your sister isn't one who really enjoys going out and all that. She'd prefer to stay home so why don't we let her, I don't want to exhaust her"

I nod "Sounds logical enough".
"Thanks. I'll hurry"

I smile looking at my baby boy who was still sleeping "Take your time, I'm fine just where I am"

"So? Have you thought about what I told you that day? Regarding Fai'za?"
I huff.

Fai'za is my baby sister, I know she'll have to get married and have kids one day but seeing her in relationships—it just makes me feel weird but I want her to be happy more than anything.

"Fine, since she's cool with it. You can go ahead with it".
She smiles "Thanks".

"Just make sure he knows I'll break every joint in his body if he hurts my sister"
"Of course".


Nasir's POV.

I look at Khadija.
The woman I love.

She and I have been in a relationship for two years and I might have kept her in the dark about being married.
We met at the train station, we sat side my side and I knew the first time I saw her that I loved her.

I know you're probably thinking, didn't I love my wife too?
Yes, yes I did but I got tired of her as quickly as I asked her to marry me.

Being bad in bed can be fixed so technically it was just an excuse, the real reason I don't like her is because she's an insufferable, domineering and vexatious brat. Things always have to go her way or they don't happen at all.

While we were dating I thought could handle it but after getting married to her I realized it just couldn't be. I'm the man, I wear the trousers but she makes me feel less and less like a man with each day that went by.

I thought I loved her and had to put up with it but—eventually I got fed up with her crap. I was being controlled by my wife and it made me feel so incompetent and worthless so I gave up on us and the marriage.

Yes I cheat but I did what I had to and I don't regret it.

"Are you okay?" She asks resting her hands on my shoulders.
"Just fine" I answer.

I know all this is a delusion. I'm still married and eventually she'll find out.
"You're sure? You've been so quiet and it's making me worried"

I smirk "You love me that much?"
She chuckles "Not really" she jokes "Just your face"

"It's still a part of me"
She shrugs "That doesn't matter to me" she says as she leans her head on my shoulders "Let's get married, Nasir"

I was a bit taken aback but smile anyway.
"Your parents want me to step forward?"
She shakes her head "No, I just want to be with you. Be happy with you"

I put my arms around her "And I'll come forward—I just need more time"
She nods "Just don't take too long"

"I won't, I promise".


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