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"Ruqayyah!" Yusuf calls my name.
I blink a few times getting back into reality.

"Don't mind her, she zones out a lot" he tells the man before he turns to me "Ruqayyah, this is my cousin Rashad, he's Zoya's older brother"

"It's—it's nice to meet you" I say almost in a whisper.
He smiles "You know, you don't need to feel embarrassed. I've done the same quite a few times"

"Done what? What did she do?" Yusuf asks curiously.
Rashad smiles "Well then, it was nice meeting you Ruqayyah, I'll see you both inside" he walks ahead.

"Okay—what just happened? How did you embarrass yourself this time?"
I turn to him "Doesn't—Rashad—he looks" I decide to stay quiet.

"Let's go in" I say instead.
"Okay?" He asks unsure.


Mimi actually wants me to design her dress and she's told me her dos and don'ts and Zoya also asked me to design her wedding dress even though the time is a bit short but time has never been an issue for me.

But all that excitement didn't matter. All I could think about was Rashad.

From his posture to his height and even his smile, most especially that magnetic smile.
They're just too captivating.

I immediately got out my phone to do a little social media digging. It took an hour but I got as much information as I could possibly gather in one night.

Obviously he's not on any social media platform. So I started by stalking Zoya's account and she has multiple posts with him.

He has two sisters. His parents are probably separated or divorced seeing as how they live in separate houses.

But the only thing personal I got is that, he loves polo. It's his favorite sport and he never misses a a polo match on the weekend.

Social media can be very helpful when it needs to and remind me to delete my accounts but of course I'm leaving this burner account, I need it.


Since I saw Rashad I couldn't take my mind off him, our first encounter wasn't really how I would have liked it to happen but it's pointless crying over spilt milk.

"You good?" Labiba asks smiling.
I look at her, creeped out "Why are you smiling like that"

"Because I'm happy"
"Then why are you happy?"

She rolls her eyes "Because you're smiling again dummy"
I was confused "I'm not smiling"

"You were while you were zoned out. I've never seen you smile like that"
I scoff "Make it make sense. Then how have I been smiling? Crooked?"

She huffs "You can be so frustrating, that smile. The one people make when they're thinking about someone they love"
"Maybe it's my ex" I say when I don't remember his name.

She shakes her head "If it was him, it'd be a sad smile. The fact that you're talking about him right now with a straight face confirms my suspicions"
"Which are?"

She smiles, taking her time before taking in a deep breath "You met a guy, didn't you?"
I say nothing just staring at her.

"Your silence answers my question"
"Labiba, go home. I've had enough of your company for one day"

"Yeah I should go but we're having this conversation tomorrow"
"Whatever" I say as she rushes out.

Her workplace is close by so she always drops by before she heads home every single day.


Guess where I am.
Well, I'm in Rashad's parent's house. I decided to meet with his sister to design her dress.

Okay, maybe that was just an excuse to show up. I never need to design with my clients present, in fact it has this annoying amount of pressure because the designs never quite compare to the real dress.

But I also need to get her measurements, that was true but if I use that as an excuse I could be in here and out within minutes and that's not my goal, nope.

"Really, if Mimi can trust you to design her dress without going through the designs then I'm good as well"

I shake my head "Mimi is attending a wedding while you're attending your wedding, it's not the same. I want this to be perfect"
She smiles "But I really have nothing in mind. I'm not sure how I would want it to look"

"What about your sister or a bridesmaid? They can give me a clue on what makes you pop"

She frowns "My sister isn't in the country at the moment, I'm afraid she can't make it to the wedding and I don't really have a bridesmaid"

It's sad.
Like seriously is it that she doesn't have friends? But I try not to judge people.

"Okay, but I'm sure you know the color that makes you pop, right?"
"I would say navy blue"

Not good.
"I would advice a brighter color, at least something that screams beauty and elegance. I don't think navy blue would be the best option for you"

She huffs frustratedly "I think I'll just call my brother, maybe he'll know"
"Yea, you do that"

She's wasting her time, what does a man know about colors that make you pop. If he's a guy, he'd just choose her favorite color but it's never the favorite color, except in a rare one in a million kinda case but I wouldn't stop her, I want him here.

A few moments later the front door opens and Rashad walks in, he smiles when he sees me and I turn my head away blushing.

"When Zoya said we had a guest, I wasn't expecting you"

"Yeah, the first impression wasn't really—me"
He chuckles sitting across she and I.
"So, I left work to be here"

She gasps "I thought you were in your room"
"I was but I was working"

She smiles "Sorry, we'll be quick"
He nods "So? What's going on?"

"Do you know what color makes me pop?"
He looked so confused "Pop? Pop how?"
"Like—a color that looks good on me"

He shakes his head "What? Any color?"
"No, like the fact that you look good in white and you pull off navy blue too"

"I never knew that, how am I supposed to know what makes me 'Pop' exactly?"
"You didn't? I thought that was why you liked wearing white and navy blue"

He shakes his head "No, I just prefer wearing them. No one told me I 'pop' in them" He huffs frustratedly "Ruqayyah I really don't know the color to go for"

I nod "But I'm sure there're colors you don't like, right?"
She nods back "Yes I have a list"

"Good. Can you get me five veils with different colors that you feel you'd want the color of your dress to be?"
"Sure but how would it help?"

"You're going to try them on and we'll go with the one that fits you more"

She smiles "That's smart, let's do it" she rushes in.

He huffs "I haven't been this stressed in a while. I commend you, really"
I giggle "I actually enjoy it, it's fulfilling. Especially the excitement when I deliver the dresses for fittings"

He smiles "Yeah, she's been talking about her dress since she met you. Wondering how it would look"
"I won't disappoint her"

"I have a feeling"
I was so nervous, it's going just as planned.

He smiles "Just a feeling I can't shake off but thank you for helping her. Others wouldn't care as long as they're paid"
"Well—if I'm getting paid then I have to give it my all"

He nods "admirable".


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