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I came to see my mother. Zainab has been depressed for days now and seeing her that way is really heartbreaking. There's nothing I can do about it because Sadiq is already married and now he's with his wife.

"Why didn't you talk to Abba?"
She huffs "You know how stubborn your father is, what could I have done?"

"Anything, just try to make him understand"
"Understand what?" She asks annoyed.

I stay quiet.
"Understand what Rakiya? You children keep painting me out to be the bad guy, that's how your brother came to me last night furious but you know I can't control your father, he barely listens to me and you know this so what makes you think it's different this time? You're married now, you're the one who's supposed to understand my situation more than anyone else"

She makes sense though, it wasn't so easy to talk to Rashad infact approaching him was difficult.

"Mami I'm not saying it's your fault but you're his wife. She's your daughter too and you have a right to decide if you agree or not. I'm not telling to fight with him or go against him but you should have taken it to the elders. Kaka or his older sister, he listens to them and—it's frustrating"

She sits on the bed "I know. She's my child and seeing her that way hurts me too, it's hard for me as well but—maybe they're not meant for each other. Maybe this is God's way of protecting your sister from pain"

"Which pain?"
She hisses "Don't act like you're blind or deaf. You know his family don't like her. They've always wanted that girl for him. Even the sister who claims to like her was pretending and you know it—you and I talked about this. That was why I was hesitant to get my daughter married to him. I don't want her to live the rest of her life I'm pain"

I nod "Yeah, that's true"
"So—just wait and see, things will turn up for her inshallah and as her parents we still pray for her everyday. We pray for you all and so we wouldn't want to put you in any situation that will hurt you"

I nod.
She smiles "How's the baby? You should stop stressing yourself. You should always be happy"
"It's not so easy, I can pretend but not with the baby. It's literally in me, it can feel my mood"

She chuckles "I'll call Zainab. We'll talk"
I nod "Please do and explain everything to her the way you did to me when I got my heart broken"

"When?" She asks confused.
"When my ex dumped me"

"Which ex? The only ex you had was Sahil"
I nod "Yeah him"
"Sahil didn't dump you"

I roll my eyes "I can remember what happened Mami and I remember the heartbreak I felt"

She looks at me heartbroken but smiles anyway "I'll tell the maid to get you something to eat"
I shake my head hurriedly getting to my feet "Don't bother I'll do that myself and then we can continue watching"


Rashad's POV.

I decided to meet up with Nasir, I have no doubt in my mind that he's the reason behind Zoya's change in behavior. My sister has never been the calm or friendly type but his name is written all over her new found attitude.

I ordered just a cup of tea while I wait for him. I decided to meet him before I head to work.
Ruqayyah's message comes in:

I can't believe you didn't wake me up. Have a great day and drive safe❤️

I smile as I read it over and over.
I can't say I'm suddenly inlove with her but she's not who I thought she was. She's nice and sweet too. Although this pregnancy has brought out new attitudes of hers that I really like.

She's really into sports too. Before it was F1 but I've got her into football although I'm not too sure if that was a good idea because she gets to passionate and becomes stressed after each match. I think I'm willing to see where things go.

I raise my head and see Nasir standing across me with a smile across his face "Who got you smiling like that?"

I ignore him completely, sipping my tea.
He sits and huffs "I was surprised when I got your call"
I nod.

"What can I get you, sir?" The waiter asks.
"Just coffee, thank you" he says before turning to me "So? You're inviting me to a cafe on a Monday morning? I'm getting nervous" he smiles.

I stare at him.
He shifts in his sit uncomfortably.

"What's going on between you and my sister"
"Marriage" he says cockily.

I raise my eyebrows getting annoyed by his arrogance.
He frowns when he notices my lack of amusement in his jokes "Nothing, not anything that I know of"

"Why do I feel that's a lie?"
He huffs "Yes it's not like everything is going smoothly but you know how your sister is. When things don't go exactly how she planned she loses her mind, she starts getting depressed"

"What was the plan?"
"I apologize if this comes off rude but that's my personal life. I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone meddling with your marriage and I feel the same. You can ask Zoya, she'll tell you"

"I wouldn't be here if she did. She's been distant with everyone, even her parents so decided to ask you since you're with her everyday"
He nods "I think she just needs space but the main reason she's behaving this way is because she wants a child"

"A child?"
He nods "Yes but I'm not ready yet"

At this point I can't say anything. I can't force him to get my sister pregnant when I didn't intend to have a child this early either.

I sigh.
"Look, I personally think she just needs time and I'll try to talk to her. It's not like she's listening to me either but I'll do all I can. I promise"

I nod.
The waiter brings his coffee.
"Anyway—how's Ruqayyah doing?" He asks worriedly.

"She's doing okay"
He nods "I think that might have been one of the reasons she's been behaving that way"

"What?" I ask confused by his statement.
He sips his coffee and smiles "I think the fact that Ruqayyah got pregnant worsened your sister's situation. She believes Ruqayyah is living exactly the way she planned her life"

I just stare at him.
That makes no sense.

"I don't know why she would feel that way but she does. I thinks he might be jealous of her"

I nod.
I didn't want to say anything, what could I possibly say? It's my sister jealous of my wife.

But why?
Why would she be jealous of Ruqayyah?
It's not like our married life has been heaven or easy, it's been anything but that.

This needs to be dealt with ASAP.


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