As soon as Yan Jing Ze and Wei Lingxiu passed, someone gave way, but this time it was not because of fear, but because of respect.

"Master Xiucai is here! Master Xiucai, sit in the middle, it's more comfortable in the middle."

"You have to go to the market too!"

"Master Xiucai, what are you going to buy?"


People in Xing'an Village asked Wei Lingxiu one after another.

Although Yan Jing Ze didn't hit people now and was kind to people, they were still a little afraid of him, but Wei Lingxiu... From the beginning, no one was afraid of Wei Lingxiu.

Wei Lingxiu answered one by one.

The people in the village couldn't help but envy him while talking to him.

Everyone knew about him and Yan Jing Ze.

They used to think he was miserable, but now they don't think so. With Wei Lingxiu and Yan Jing Ze behind their backs, some people secretly regret — had they known that Yan Jing Ze could change so much after "marriage" and not be an asshole at all, they would have married their daughter to Yan Jing Ze back then!

There was a time when Yan Jing Ze overheard someone say so, he was especially speechless, these people did not think about the matter of him liking men at all?

The boat weaved its way through the river and it didn't take long to reach the county seat.

Today is the Market Day, and on both sides of the streets in Donggu County, there are some stalls that are not usually available, from all kinds of snacks to all kinds of gadgets.

Yan Jing Ze and Wei Lingxiu bought a lot of things and went to the restaurant together.

The two ordered food, but they have to wait a while... Yan Jing Ze looked at Wei Lingxiu: "Lingxiu, I forgot to buy something, now I'm going out."

Wei Lingxiu nodded: "Okay."

Yan Jing Ze smiled, touched his hand, turned and left.

Before, he thought about coaxing Wei Lingxiu and asked the silversmith in the county seat to make a hair crown with a piece of good-quality silver he got. He planned to take it now and give it to Wei Lingxiu when he returned home.

Yan Jing Ze left soon. Wei Lingxiu was too lazy to move, so he slowly drank the chrysanthemum tea given to him by the little servant boy. He was drinking it when he suddenly saw seven or eight men in their 20s and 30s entering the restaurant.

Wei Lingxiu subconsciously lowered his head – he recognized these people!

Aren't these people the same people who robbed him of his money and beat him a year and a half ago, only to be beaten away by Yan Jing Ze?

It was because of these people that he got to know Yan Jing Ze.

Wei Lingxiu was a little scared, but soon thought that he is now a xiucai, and these people do not dare to make a move on him no matter what.

Thinking so, Wei Lingxiu relaxed, and at the same time, those people took their seats diagonally behind him.

There was a screen between them and the people over there couldn't see him. Wei Lingxiu became more relaxed, and at the same time, began to listen to those people.

According to those people, they had just collected a sum of money back and were rewarded before they came to the restaurant to eat.

Speaking of which, someone from those people suddenly said: "Unfortunately, Brother Yan is no longer doing this work. When we go to collect money, it takes a lot more effort. If Brother Yan is in, just throw people on the water, who wouldn't give money?"

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