Chapter 50 - I love you

Start from the beginning

We pulled up to the Afton residence. Memories instantly flooded my mind, remembering the good times. I only wished for those good memories to stay remembered forever. "Stay here" Henry said as he got off the car and approached the door. "I have an uneasy feeling y/n.." Sammy told me as he fiddled with his fingers. "Me too.." I slightly whispered and held his hand "But you have me and no matter what happens I won't let anything happen to you." I smiled and he did as well.

Soon enough we saw Michael and Elizabeth arrive with luggage in their hand and a very upset William at the door step. He tapped his foot against the wooden floor and had his arms crossed over his chest. I finally took a look at Michael and bandages covered his face and very noticeable light patches of makeup covered some of his face. I noticed how uneasy Sammy became. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to protect then.. just like with Gregory...

Michael sat next to me and Elizabeth sat next to Sammy. They both talked endlessly throughout the car ride. Meanwhile Michael was quiet. I hadn't seen him in a long time and it feels weird but I felt happy. I wanted to hug him and kiss him and hold him tight but I didn't know if it was the right thing to do at the moment so I fiddled with the hem of my shirt waiting for something to happen. Henry would look at the rear mirror watching us for a couple of moments before turning his attention to the road. Henry turned the radio on and Whitney Huston began playing softly. It was hard to make out which song was playing. My heart beat felt loud. Too loud.

I glanced at Michael. He was looking out the window with his hand under his chin. His mullet seemed to have grown back. There weren't much changes about him but I knew he felt horrible. I don't wanna know what went down after that night. If I were to know anything bad happen to him or Elizabeth I think I would lose my shit.

We arrived back home and everyone got off. Henry cleared his throat once we all settled in "I'll be at work for the rest of the evening. I want all of you to take care of each other. No parties and no going out. Just stay here. There's money on the table if you want to order pizza. Are we clear?" We all said yes "Good" he grabbed his coat and a suitcase. "I'll be back" he glanced at us one last time before closing the door.

"Come on Liz! Let me show you my new truck!" Sammy and Elizabeth went up the staircase giggling loudly. "No running!" I shouted. I sighed hearing their faint footsteps. I felt a hand grab my wrist and suddenly I was turned around. Michael pressed his soft lips against mine, holding my face. I was surprised but I kissed back, missing him so much. "I missed you terribly" he continued kissing me, pushing me back till he had me pinned to the wall. He pulled away breathing heavily. Looking into my eyes and he hugged me again. I felt tears stain my shirt "Michael.." I didn't hesitate to hug him back. "I don't want to be apart from you anymore please" he cried. I felt my heart break into millions of pieces as I felt overwhelmed with guilt remembering what happened.

He wasn't to be blamed for his fathers doings. Getting mad was something that won't be able to undo the past. William is to be put behind bars. All of the pain and trauma would go away and one thing I was for sure was that I dearly loved Michael. He was someone that was always there for me through thick and thin. He was someone that loved me unconditionally. He made me feel free when nobody else did. I experienced much happiness despite the bad things we've been through on the way.

It was the moment I knew that what I had with him was like a teenage dream. What I had here at Hurricane, Utah was something unforgettable. It's the way the good times out weighs the bad times. I couldn't help but cry. It felt like it was me and him against the world and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I love you."

Michael's pov

I didn't like the idea of her being mad at me. I wished that I had done something about my father sooner. I wish he wasn't like that. Things would have been different for us. It wouldn't feel so overwhelming with pain and joy. I felt like I was on a thin line trying to balance the both... but mostly bring joy into my life. If I had to describe one word before I met the love of my life was disaster. I was a complete disaster. Everyone knew that Y/n was the one. My heart had known but my brain had other intentions.

I knew what I was getting myself at. I knew that falling in love with her would let my gaurd down. Letting her show myself what I truly am. Who I truly am. I was someone pathetic but she was an angel. I punched myself many times for letting her get hurt. For hurting her. For ruining her life. I wanted nothing but the best for her. But I couldn't stay away from her. I needed her so much. I wanted her so much and I hated and loved it at the same time.

"I love you more"

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