Chapter 3 Destruction of the world destroyer

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Rimuru Pov:

Ciel is currently out of my body. We both are inside the void. Thanks to my control I have several subspaces, like my [Imaginary space]. There is my [Imaginary space], the void, the Abyss, R'lyeh(aether) and Y'ha-nthlei(nether). We are here due to my rampage. My older brother had been killed. The one that accepted me and thought of me as his family was killed by some lowly heroes. I knew it would happen but I still lost it. When big brother died his soul was brought to me along the soul of Lucia. They both were collected through my soul corridor that I had with big brother and that big brother had with her. When his soul entered my body I felt unimaginable pain. That was when I understood. His dragon factor was different than mine. My dragon factor was not incomplete it was just too weak. Due to that I was unable to control my power. Veldora's dragon factor was only a part of the puzzle. Just like Velgrynd's and Velzard's dragon factor. Three pieces of a whole. But mine was now different. It was my own dragon factor developed by Ciel and the void itself healing me. The dragon factor that I once held was no more just like the true demon lord seed, both were gone. Now I could really call myself the fifth true dragon. Well no one knows about me, even my family with the exception of Veldanava never came to me. So actually I have no family at the moment except Ciel. During the past years she has taught me so much. I can now use all of my skills without a problem. Analysing on my own, hiding my presence and even my factor along with control of my magic and energies. Thanks to my new skill [Shub-Niggurath, God of creation and information] I am now able to utilise all energies. Even stardust, scorch, frost and storm. Even though they were nut usable to me since I am the opposite of big brother Ciel created a skill for me. It let's me use all the powers of my big siblings and the dragons that I will eliminate. I can even summon them in some kind of cloning skill. They are not as strong as the original but I can still use two clones for example Veldora and Velgrynd to keep Velgrynd under control. But the weakness is that I can only create one clone of a dragon at once. But never mind that we will go and ad one more dragon to my collection.

I use the space and dimensional travel of [time warp] to get to the dimension where he is imprisoned. If I am correct he has no ego. Or at least not now. And there he and his offspring are. The cryptids are running around destroying everything that they can and not too far away he is. The creator of chaos and destruction. The world destroying dragon Ivarage. Kept captive by Feldway the phantom king. I just have to hide myself. Ciel is currently inside my body so that we wont be detected. After all I want to leave him here for some time. He should not change the time line. I go closer to him. He has black scales similar to me and crimson red eyes like Ciel. Suddenly I get an idea.

'Ciel can we extract his essence and not kill him but take him away. Of course his body will be gone but what if we can use his essence and create an positive personality for him? Would that be possible?'

<Yes Rimuru it is possible to just take his power. But I have to warn you his power is connected to the nothingness just like yours so it will be near impossible for him to not destroy everything.> Oh yeah Ciel started calling me by my name.

'That is enough Ciel. We can still give him a skill like great sage just without an ego to help him control his power. I just thought that since I am a new generation of true dragons like big brother said I could have my own offspring and he would be the first to be there. His powers are like Veldora's are to Veldanava's. And I already have a brother I don't want anymore but so we could have a child in due time.'



<Ah sorry. Yes th-that won't be a problem. I will insolate the core of individual Ivarage. Would master like a true dragon offspring created through regular means or just creating a child with the help of [Shub-Niggurath, God of creation and information]?>

'Wai-wait Ciel. Not now. I would love if he had our features but not now. I want Tempest to be build and I want strong people guarding you if you are pregnant. And yes I don't want to just create him I want a real son or daughter. And no true dragon no. He will be draconic dragonoid. Draconic from you and dragonoid from me. But now we have to hurry on and get it over with.'

<Understood I will isolate the core of the individual Ivarage and put it in the [Imaginary space] for further research.>

'Wait why?'

<Master is the true dragon of the void and there are three different energies that master can use plus his own energy. So if I analyse the core of Ivarage I could create a similar core for the two other energies. But I have to announce that this analyse might take a lot of time. Even for me. The information can not be found in [Shub-Niggurath, God of creation and information], therefore I have to do everything alone.>

'That is not bad since in that way we don't even have to wait for Tempest to be build but we can work toward it.'

<Now isolating the core if the individual Ivarage.> A huge gate is opening and sucking Ivarage inside.

'Was he really that powerful?'

<Notice: The individual Ivarage is still imprisoned and has not gained an ego therefore he is weak far from the strength that he could have attained. The body was socked in piece by piece to get analysed and at the very end there was a black ball, that obstructed the light itself. This was it. I flew toward it and put it inside my [Imaginary space]. But then something unplanned happened every last cryptids came towards us running with hungry looks in their eyes. Why were they running here?

<The individual Ivarage was like a king for them. Someone that killed their absolute master must be exterminated. I advice to eliminate them.>

'Can they get an ego over time?'

<That is a possibility.>

'In that case I want to imprison them in a subspace of my [Imaginary space] so that they can grow and get their own ego over time.'

<I do not understand masters thoughts.>

'If we want to protect Tempest we need more then just the patrons we need far more. And here is an army of hundreds of cryptids without an ego. Zelanus alone is as strong as a true dragon. If there are others as strong as he here then Tempest would be safe with them around.'

<Master keeping them as pets is very dangerous.>

'Not pets. I will not let them out if they have no ego. I will only let them out and name them when they are ready.'

<I understand. I will imprison them in the [Imaginary space] and keep an eye on them with a parallel existence.> An other portal opened and sucked everyone else inside but unlike last time they were still in one piece. And so several phantoms, insectars, shadows, beasts, demons and other kind of creatures created by the leaking of Ivarage's aura were send away not to be freed for quite some time.

"My lord you are back. I knew that you couldn't have died." Turning around I saw him with my own eyes. The phantom king Feldway was standing in front of me. Shit I wanted to hide myself from him but I guess there is no other way then talk with him. I can't kill him now since he must name Michael.

"I am not my big brother. I am sorry Feldway but he is gone."

"No th-that can't be. He can't leave us. He has to come back to us. And how dar you take on his form. You have no right to do that. He was a god."

"Wait wait I have not done such a thing. I am the fifth true dragon. The void dragon and the reason why I look similar to him is because he left something with me before he passed. He left his dragon factor with me. Or at least the information of how it was constructed. I was born with too much power and could not control it so I needed a stronger container for my power."

"Will he come back at least? Please tell me."

"I-I honestly don't know. He was bound by the rules he created so maybe, maybe not but I am searching for a way to get him back. And I will get rid of the dangers to the world that he loved so much before I bring him back. A danger was Ivarage. He needed to go. His power and egoless self was a ticking bomb. I am sorry Feldway for your loss but I have to go now. You are free do whatever you want life a live that is filled with happiness. I will look after the balance of the universe as much as I can. Goodbye."

After I said my goodbyes I teleported away. So that I could not be found by him in any way. I went on my own adventure to find allies.

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