Chapter 8 Meeting with the goblins

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In the past one and a half month time the world was in am uproar. The disappearance of the storm dragon shook every country. The eastern empire started to make plans to invade the western countries since the one keeping them back is no more. Some cults were talking about the coming of the apocalypse since there was some being that killed a true dragon. Other countries send their reconnaissance into the forest of jura and some did not care or were even happy. On the frozen continent the frost dragon was surprised since her little brother should still have about a hundred years until his magicules expired but it seems she was wrong. Of course she did not think further since even tough they are somehow family she cares for one person only and that is herself. On the other hand the demon had more suspensions. He knew that Veldora was a person which acted rash but he would never do such a thing. But he had no time to think about that since more pressing matters have presented themselves. The eastern empire was arming up. That could only mean one thing. The game will come to a climax.

While all of this happened Rimuru and Ciel were walking through the cave. They talked for hours straight but stopped when some monster attacked them. They of course got rid of it. Not because they had to for themselves but because Ellen and the others would be send to investigate the disappearance of Veldora. 'Up to that day I am still wondering why they were sent. After all they can't even kill a ant that is a common monster inside the forest.' They also collected magic steel and preserved some inside the void, the abyss, the upper sky and the netherworld. It will stay there to absorb the energies and create new metals with special properties so that the future generation or Tempest as a whole can use it.

The last thing that was missing was the hipokute herbs. I also absorbed them and put them into my storage inside the [Imaginary space]. I then got an idea.

"Ciel what would happen if we planted herbs or grass as it is inside the four dimensions?"

"That would not be possible. While it is possible for metals to change properties due to the energies of you or the future holders of the three sub-energies possess, it is impossible to do that to living beings. Of course it is possible to change the affinities like with the angels that became phantoms but it is impossible for plants like grass. The angels might not have an ego but they are conscious enough to protect themselves from getting destroyed and evolve instead. Plants can't evolve like this."

"So there is no way."

"That is not right. There are still "plants" that can grow inside the dimensions but they cannot originate from this place. They might have surprising properties but the work with the materials can be dangerous since the plants of nothingness can cause effects unseen before. I advise to cultivate several plants of all the properties of all true dragons."

"So also Veldora, Velzard, Velgrynd and Veldanava?"

"Yes. I will create pseudo true dragon factor. It is a dragon factor that has a finite amount of energy inside. With that the energies, frost, scorch, storm and stardust will be spread to the plants and change them."

"Okay do it."

"I will take my leave then."

She disappeared. At least she has found a new hobby. I know that she is happy that I appreciate and also partake in her hobby creating and optimising skills but she felt like something was taken away from her. Her purpose. I at first wanted to give her more space but soon realized that it back fired. She felt like I didn't want to do something with her. Now that she has found a new hobby I will let it to her.

I then released some of my aura that was comparable to a freshly awakened demon lord and left. When I reached the door I could hear some voices. Damn I forgot them. I quickly restraint my aura so that no one would realize I was there and used a skill to mask myself. While waiting for them I just thought how obvious their disguise is. I might be able to see through illusions with ease when it is not created by an ultimate skill but still. It is laughable. When they entered the cave and went further inside I went out. It was a beautiful scenery. The grass has a lustrous green, from the trees several different sorts of fruit were dangling, plants of all kinds and flowers of all colours were everywhere. And in the middle am I. My aura was spreading out and most monsters were running away in fear of their live being reaped.

Full of confidence I started to walk toward the place where I have met the goblins. I walked up to the place but they were no where to be seen.

'Hmm? Where are they? Shouldn't they be around here?' I stayed there and waited some more, but they did not arrive. Getting tired of waiting I went towards the place where the capital of Tempest will be standing.

I hid most of my aura since the dire wolves need to attack tonight. I walked straight toward the huts if one can even call them that and looked for the goblins. They were there all of them. Well except those that already passed away just like last time. I thought of saving them but then I would have to deal with a second Gabiru and I do not intend to do that. When the "village" came into view I stopped in my tracks. I knew that they were there since I can feel them with magic sense but they were nowhere to be seen. All of them are hiding. But why?

"Hey I know that you are there. Come out come out where ever you are." Maybe that was not the best choice of words since all of them visibly flinched. Let's try again. "Why don't you come out. I promise that I won't hurt any of you. I was just traveling through the region and saw that some of you were wounded. I came to help."

Now they were conversing with each other. It seems they still need a little push. "You know that I can feel where you are right. If I wanted to hurt you I would have done so already, after all I can tell that there are injured ones and I can tell how many of you are in each tent. I just want to talk and help you."

It seemed like it worked because the eldest and two others with shabby weapons came out of their tent.

"Wh-what can we do for you all mighty."

"Hello my name is Rimuru Tempest. I was just admiring the beauty of the jura forest and then realized that you were in a pinch of some sort. So I came by and thought of offering you my help of course in exchange for something."

They looked at first hopeful since a strong individual came by and offered them to help but their hopes were crushed when they heard the last part. I still need them to swear their loyalty to me.

"We cannot give you anything of worth but if it is enough for you mighty one then we will give you everything we got. We will swear our undying loyalty to you and only to you." The elder said. This surprised the two "guards" but they did not object since they knew nothing else would save them. It seems even goblins are a little prideful.

"That is enough for me. I will heal your wounded. Please bring me to them."

"At once mighty one."

"Just call me Rimuru."

"Of course lord Rimuru."

He then brought me to the biggest tent in the "village" where the heavily wounded goblins and those that are near death are located. I went inside following the elder and walking by the guards that held the entrance open for us to pass by. I looked at them and I have to say they look just as bad as last time. Bites and claw wounds rattled their bodies. Blood flowed out of their wounds and none of them is conscious. Which is of course for the better. So they don't need to be in constant agony. I lifted my and casted high class healing magic. A bright light covered the tent and healed the wounds tight shut. In addition the missing limbs grew back piece by piece. First the fibres, then the muscles, the veins and last there was the skin that regrew and shut everything.

The goblins looked at awe at the "miracle" that I worked. "Are there any more wounded?"

"Y-yes there actually are."

"Then bring me to them."

"At one lord Rimuru."

He brought me to the other tents and I healed them all even if it was just a shallow wound that would heal over time. I then asked all of them to gather themselves at one place so that I can give them instructions of what they have to do.

When everyone was there I started to give out the orders.

"Listen up everyone. As I heard you all were attacked by dire wolves and that they might attack again. To hinder their approach you will deconstruct your huts and then use the materials to create a rampart. I will help you with magic. We then began to create everything. We build the rampart, bows, spears and arrows. Of course everything is made out of wood and stone but that is just what they have. Now I just have to wait for Ranga.

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