Chapter 13 The black primordial

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Noir Pov:

In the darkness sits a person. He is no human and no monster either he was a demon. During the past few decades he was watching a woman through a crystal ball. He watched at her not because he was interested at her but because of something she possessed. She had a mask in her possession that was connected to time. And he knew the mask would lead him to a higher purpose. So he followed her around with his crystal. He also realized the same thing like the woman. Her days are limited but he thought something else. He thought that the sooner she had to die the sooner he would find answers and he was right. One day when he looked at her a man walked up to her after killing the ants with some kind of energy that he never felt before. And later everything made sense. He looked back at him. The golden pupils looked right at him. He knew that he was watched but did nothing more. He did not summon him nor did he stop the transmission. When they walked further inside the forest the demon could see a village. He knew that they are strong. Not strong enough to give him a fair fight. No not even close to that but strong enough to battle most opponents. The average citizen was as strong or stronger then a trained warrior.

When they entered the house even the demon could hear the voice inside his head. It sounded like the voice of the world but more lively. And then the transmission was cut off. He had to know more, he has found his master.

Rimuru Pov:

Diablo or Noir is always watching us. I knew he would be watching up to when I will summon him but I don't want to change the timeline but being stared at the entire time is also tiresome. So I decided to summon him when I had the time. And now was such a moment. After I have saved or brought the ogres to safety they changed quite a bit. Some of them started to work with us and most of them said that they will serve me. Those were the chieftain now Akamaru, the others from last time and some others. All of them evolved at least to the stage of a Kijin and some even became Onis. To say I was thrilled was an understatement. The force that was Tempest right now could burry the entirety of the western countries. There are several demon lord seed level individuals. They are Benimaru, Ranga, and Shizue. Shion was close but not yet there. I went away from Tempest to a place with a lake. It looked magical what is a funny way to describe a place when you live in a village full of fantasy creatures. I created some bodies with [Shub-Niggurath, God of creation and information] and began my summoning. The bodies were enough to make the primordial noir stay in the mortal realm for a few days.

"Come to me, primordial of the colour noir. I call upon you and you will answer my call. Rise from hell and use these bodies as your vessels." A summoning circle formed in front of me. It looked like a normal summoning circle for higher demons. The colour was purple and the engravings were complex but then there was a second circle or rectangle that formed over the circle. It looked far more ancient and powerful. From this he emerged.

Noir Pov:

I saw my future master go inside the forest away from the other individuals. I did not know where he intends to go but I will follow him with my eyes. Then he began to chant. He wanted to summon me? My master is calling me so I will oblige.

Rimuru Pov:

"Kufufuf So you called upon me. I am delighted that you have called upon me master. Please allow this lowly demon to work for you."

"If you are a lowly demon then who can be called a demon of power? Do not diminish your own worth noir. If you really want to serve me then stop it. I care about my people and I want to know that they are carrying about themselves."

"As you order my master."

"Oh and please call me Rimuru. My name is Rimuru Tempest."

"Rimuru. What a beautiful name. What are my orders lord Rimuru?"

"My first order for you before I name you is to become a demon peer on your own. I can see the powers that you hold and I know that you can become one before receiving a name."

"As expected of my master. I will commence my evolution at once."

He then began his evolution. Around his body there was a cocoon of darkness as his body was strengthened. He really is a fiend. When the evolution was finished he staggered a bit. It seems evolving on his own is different then getting named or evolving into a true demon lord. His attire became more like a butler just like last time. I waited for him and gestured for him to sit down on a chair that I conjured up. He took it even tough I could feel he was hurt by it. He was hurt to show me, his new master a weakened state but I told him that he did not have to feel down since everyone even I felt tired from time to time. This seemed to reassure him and he got more relaxed. When he was able control everything that he now is we went back to Tempest. There I was asked who this new person is and why he is next to me. I told them that he wanted to join Tempest and that I brought him here so that Ciel can see him and help me name him.

We entered the house and they greeted each other. Noir understood immediately who she was. After all she has spoken to him once before and he also realized that she was a race that he has never seen before. After all a dragon empress is a unique evolutionary stage as she is a divine void spirit and a dragon lord. He Showed respect to her and she greeted him and showed him that she knew exactly who he was and why he has been looking at us. She told him that he is right and that I am the most powerful being right now and that even time itself can't stop me. I was surprised that she would say something like that but I could see her eyes glisten. Please don't do it. I don't want people holding me in the highest places. I wanted to end this situation and asked Ciel.

"Ciel can we name him?"

"That won't be a problem master, please just let me control the magicule output."

She then turned into black smoke and phased into my body. Noir looked in surprise at what just happened. But he had little to no time to think about it.

"From today onward your name shall be Diablo. Use it with pride and stand strong."

His magicules skyrocketed. He still stayed a demon peer but he was on the brink of becoming a devil lord. The only thing that kept him in his state was that he is not now a true demon lord. But his demon lord seed was there. Now there are already four demon lord seed individuals. He also gained my blessing and a new unique skill called [Sage] it is manly used to analyse everything and cast magic without problems. He knelt down before me.

"My lord and lady I will ware this name with all the pride I can muster up. Please let me serve you."

"Do not worry Diablo. You will have the chance to show us your resolve but for now we have to wait. Because soon the gears will be turning with all that they have."

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