Chapter 11 New family members?!

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Shizue Pov:

I am Shizue Izawa. I was summoned by the demon lord Leon Cromwell. Before I was summoned on the world of mine in the country of Japan was a horrible time. Everything was on fire and exploded. Then I was summoned and forcefully bonded with an ifrit. I couldn't do anything against it. Before I was saved by my master I even killed my very best friend under the influence of ifrit. Someday my mentor told me that our time together was over and that I was on my own. I felt crushed and defeated. She was the only thing that lit up the darkness of this world for me. From this point in time I did what she did for me. I looked after summoned individuals and took them in as my students. I also began after one of my students abandoned me to tutor kids that were summoned. I grew very attached to them, while knowing that they had only a little time left. I was in a similar situation. I know that I can't hold on for long, the influence of ifrit is growing stronger by the day and I don't know if I will make it in time but I have to try it.

So to try getting to the territory of Leon I needed to go through the jura forest. And it just so happens that there is a little adventurer group heading inside the forest to search for the storm dragon. I am still asking myself why they were chosen. After all they are dead meat inside the forest.

Rimuru Pov:

Since Kaijin and the three brothers have arrived inside the village everything has developed great. I also blessed Kaijin and the three and due to that they each got a unique skill and the respective skills concerning my blessing.

The ogres have started to go hunting alongside the tempest star wolves. When I named them they got so much stronger. Ranga is already at a low-ranking demon lord seed. I will not evolve him right now since he still has quite the way to go. I told myself to only evolve the seeds of demon lords if they reach an EP of at least 500'000. Because if I use 100'000 souls for their evolution then I can super evolve them and multiply their EP tenfold. With other words the true demon lords would be stronger then Luminas or Leon and about as strong as Dino. But I diverge.

The hunting goes smoothly and the citizens are working on the construction and also on learning new things from the dwarven brothers. The only difference is the plan to construct Tempest. Last time we added new housings one by one but now we are doing it different. I or manly Ciel drafted up a plan that allows Rimuru, Tempest's capital, to have a barrier put up that swallows attacks and the like. It also cancels out weaker barriers that are casted around Rimuru. Then there are a few other extras. If there are going to be as many monsters in Tempest then the cities needed to be free of too much magicules. The streets allow a amazing flow of the future magicule absorber. The four dwarves were at first sceptical but fast understood why I was doing that. After all they could see goblins coming and joining Tempest at least twice a weak. They also saw what happened when I named them. They saw how weak goblins began to change and became ogres over night. They are still nowhere near Kijins or Onis but they are still considered strong monsters. Thanks to the stronger monsters we also made more progress. Houses were already standing and some of the goblins have shown remarkable understanding for the art of creation. Some were more versed in magic or more talented and others in combat. Ciel's and my house was the first that was build. It was nothing grandiose but it still was something. We also told them that we will create the meeting hall on our own. This was important since it needed to leave a good impression to the ones that were coming. We created it in the side of Rimuru. It had a big garden and the house looked more like a little castle. It had a dark theme with light adornments. To say it was not the best looking house in Tempest would be a lie.

Right now I am walking through the streets of Tempest, getting greeted by every citizen. It is kind of funny seeing all of them greeting me. There are a few hundred ogres and about two hundred tempest star wolves.

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