Chapter 9 Confronting the dire wolves

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The day when the cardinal world was shook because of the disappearance of one of the three known and alive true dragons, was a day of great change. Several nations wanted to encroach on the jura forest, others had bigger ambitions but there were also some that had smaller ones. On the eastern side of the great jura forest was the home of a pack of wolves. They are dire wolves, strong predators that did not dare get close to the storm dragon in fear of his wrath. If they would hunt and kill his followers they are sure it would be directed at them. But now everything is different. The storm dragon is no more and they decided to change their hunting grounds. They ran towards the west in hopes of more and better prey. They were not as successful as they had hoped. But they have found prey none the less.

Now they are hunting once again. This time they have found a few goblins that have been searching for something edible. They were no challenge for the pack. All of them were killed. There was one that was a bit stronger but that was it. No more hindrances could stop them now. They attacked the "village" killed or injured most of them and took their prey with them to eat it at a safe distance away. Tomorrow will be the second and last time that those goblins experience such dread. They will die. Just then an aura made its way toward the goblins. Was their prey being preyed on? No this is the dire wolves food. No one is allowed to take it from them. Not even this entity. Some wolves wanted to run away, to get to safety but the leader of the pack wouldn't allow it. He wanted to obtain the "village" and all inhabitants for the pack. And then just as fast as it appeared the aura disappeared again. Now it was decided. They will hunt the goblins tonight.

When they arrived at the place where the "village" is located they stopped for a short time. There was a wall blocking their path. The goblins were on top the wall and behind it. The ones on top were porting weapons and those behind protective gear like shields. That does not matter. They will be our dinner.

"If you turn around right now then I will let you live, but if you attack my people then be prepared to pay for your actions."

Rimuru Pov:

I was sitting on to of a flat rock waiting for the pack to arrive. They actually did. I waited for them to drew closer since I don't wan to kill them all. I want to kill as few as possible but I guess it is unavoidable to kill the leader of the pack. 'I am sorry Ranga.' They were on guard but still confident that they would be victorious. I knew that the right moment was now so I decided to show myself.

"If you turn around right now then I will let you live, but if you attack my people then be prepared to pay for your actions." I know that they won't do that so I went with those words. "These goblins are under my protection. If you attack them I will kill eradicate you."

They looked around until their sharp eyes spotted me.

"A weak human dares to stand in our way. I will show you your foolishness. Attack him now."

Some of the wolves attacked. They dashed towards me but they did not get far. Some were hit by magic that I placed there killing them instantly and as merciful as possible. Others were cut up by the sticking steal thread. Some of the dire wolves including the future Ranga took some steps back in fear.

"Father we should retreat. They g-"

"No! Those who dare to go against us will pay the price. He killed our pack members so I will pay it back a hundred times over."

The pack leader rushed at me. He was hit by a few spells that activated because he stepped into some traps. But just like last time he did not fall for the sticky steal threads. Well not at first. He jumped high into the air. Opening his mouth to chew of my head, saliva was getting everywhere.

'Well who cares' "Azathoth devour him." A black whirlpool swirled from my palm. It expanded opening up his never ending powerful nothingness. It absorbed its prey almost instantly. I did not sent him to any of my sub-spaces but used [Predation] and [Corrosion] on him. I did not use [Soul consumption] because it will be re-enter the cycle of regeneration. I looked at the wolves with a glare that seemed to pierce their souls.

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