16. The Demon Tower Pt. 1

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I was sitting in class as Pyrrha kicked the shit out of Team CRDL with no problem. There was time for one last match and that Mercury guy volunteered to fight her. The match was short as he gave up easily. Class ended and we began pouring out the class as Emerald hung around for him.

Emerald:"Hey (Y/n), any plans later?"

I stopped and looked at her curiously.

"Not much. Might just do some training in the Emerald Forest."

Emerald:"Lame. You should drop by our dorm. We could watch a movie or something."

"I'll pass on it for now. Maybe next time."

Emerald:"Alright. See ya."

I nodded and walked off as I carefully glanced back at her over my shoulder. Something about her and Mercury didn't sit right with me. And especially that Cinder chick. I felt a tingle like when I first met Saeko. She was definitely somewhat linked to my demon side, but I wasn't sure what. I'll have to go hang out with the other two if I want to figure things out.

Lady:"Ugh, this is annoying."

Saeko:"What is?"

Lady:"All the annoying guys asking me out to the dance."

Saeko:"Right. I know how you feel."

"Damn. Are you ever gonna say yes?"

Lady:"Depends on how I'm feeling."

Saeko:"I'd rather go solo. Those guys definitely want to try something once the party's over."

"Well they are dumb teenagers with raging hormones. But trying something with you two is like poking a sleeping Ursa."

As the three of us walked and talked, Ozpin rounded the corner and looked at us.

Ozpin:"Students, may I have a word with you?"

We looked at each other and nodded before following him to his office. We stood in front of his desk as he took a sip from his mug then set it down.

Ozpin:"The reason I called you here is for an important mission. Something you three are tied to."

Saeko:"What do you mean?"

Ozpin tapped a few things on his desk before an image displayed to show a man with a book.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Lady:"No... It can't be..."

She grit her teeth and clenched her fists.

"What's wrong?"

Lady:"That man... He..."

Saeko put a hand on her shoulder and Lady let out a low growl as a few tears fell from her face.

Lady:"That bastard killed my mom!"

I looked back at the image and scowled.

Ozpin:"My condolences Lady. Surveillance footage shows this man reading passages from this strange book and even demons following him."

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