15. On The Hunt

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Sun: "Dude, are you still trying to flirt with Lady and Saeko?"

Neptune:"Of course. Last time I got hit with some food which ruined my chances. But I got myself another one."

Sun:"And you sure it's gonna work? I won't lie, you are a ladies' man, but you gotta dial it back some."

Neptune:"Nah nah nah. Watch this."

They kept walking down the halls and spotted Saeko taking a sip from a can of juice.

Neptune:"Saeko. How ya doin'?"

She glanced over at him and kept drinking.

Neptune:"Me? I'm doing pretty good. But I'd be even better if you were with me."

He smiled at her as his teeth sparkled in the light. She finished her drink and crushed the can in her bare hand.

Saeko:"Listen, Neptune, was it? I'm not interested. You can try using every cheesy pickup line in your arsenal, but I'm not going to budge. You can't even hope to be able to handle a girl like me. And Lady is the same way. She'd probably knock out some of those shiny teeth of yours with little to no hesitation."

She tossed the can to a trash bin behind her without looking and made it in. Sun was behind Neptune trying to stifle his laughter.

Saeko:"Sorry honey, but some other first years would be happy to throw themselves at you. Ta-ta."

She brushed past him as Neptune was left stunned. Chuckles began to escape from Sun's mouth. He finally let out his laugh and keeled over and pointed to his friend.

Sun:"Oh man! She shot you down. HARD! BWAHAHAHA!"

Neptune:"The worst she can say is no they say."

He let out a sad sigh and rubbed his face.

Sun:"Well, let me take you to meet the cool kids. They should be chilling in the library right now."

He walked up to his friend and pat him on the back as he shook off the harsh rejection of Saeko and followed Sun. They walked through the halls and found themselves in the library. They walked over and saw Team RWBY and JNPR sitting at some tables with Ren being the only one studying. While Team RWBY, with the exception of Blake, playing some board game. And Jaune and Pyrrha standing by their table.

Sun:"Sup losers."

Ruby:"Hey Sun."

Sun:"Hey Ruby, Blake, Yang. ...Ice Queen."

Weiss:"Why does everyone keep calling me that?"

Sun:"I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend."

Neptune:"Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?"

Ren:"Thank you!"

Nora: *snort* "Pancakes!"

Sun:"Shut up. Don't be a nerd."

Neptune:"Gegege! Intellectual, okay? Thank you. I'm Neptune."

Weiss:"So Neptune, where are you from?"

Neptune:"Haven. And I don't think I caught your name, Snow Angel."

Weiss looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Weiss:"It's Weiss."

Jaune:"So it's not just me that nickname just doesn't work. (Y/n) was right."

Sun:"Speaking of which, where is that guy? I figured he and Neptune could get along."

At the mention of (Y/n), Weiss instantly perked up and smiled.

Weiss:"He told me he was doing some training."

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