7. Now That's A Lady

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A van is seen speeding through a highway as sirens were heard in the distance. The shattered moon was hiding behind dark clouds as the headlights of the van illuminated the highway. There was someone leaning out the passenger window taking aim at police cars behind them.

The person wore a white mask and has a pair of red fox ears on their head. They fired their gun at the police cars as they law enforcement began swerving to avoid the gunfire. The fox Faunus wasn't the only one in the van as there was a cat eared driver, and two deer Faunus in the back with rifles ready. They were guarding two pallets filled with dust crystals.

With one last shot, a bullet went through the glass of a police car and killed the cop driving it. The car spun out of control and hit the others beside it. This caused a massive explosion and halted the pursuit. All of the Faunus laughed in triumph because of this. These weren't just any ordinary Faunus, they were members of the White Fang.

The White Fang was once an activist group protesting for Faunus equality. The former leader stepped down and a new one took their place. Their methods became more violent and fierce which only worsened the Faunus reputation. What's worse is that they have been stealing large amounts of dust for some particular reason.

They kept laughing and joking about how easy this night's heist was unaware that a red motorcycle was steadily approaching them.

They kept laughing and joking about how easy this night's heist was unaware that a red motorcycle was steadily approaching them

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There was a feminine figure riding the bike, but her head was covered by her helmet. She wore a white button up shirt, but with the way she buttoned it up, it exposed most of her cleavage. She wore a green plaid skirt that also doubled as ammo bags. She had a pair of brown boots that reached up to her calf. There was a knife holster on her upper left thigh and one on her right boot.

This woman looked ready to fight and kill. If that wasn't enough, she had a massive rocket launcher slung over her shoulder. She picked up her speed and was nearing the van. The fox Faunus looked at the mirror and saw her approaching and told the others about it. The driver told him to get rid of her ASAP. He loaded his gun and leaned out the window to shoot her down.

He began firing, but she swerved around on her bike quickly to avoid getting shot. She reached behind her back and pulled out her own gun. She fired it and shot the gun out of his hand. He quickly got back in the van and told them what just happened.

As the mysterious woman was driving, the doors to the van were opened and the two Faunus in the back aimed at her. They fired at her and she slowed down and moved to the side to avoid getting hit. The driver slammed his foot on the gas and kept going.

?: Oh no you don't.

She picked up the pace once again. Once she was in range, she shot the back two tires of the van and popped them. It shook the van as the rims began dragging across the road creating sparks. The driver was breaking out in a sweat as he was beginning to lose speed. The woman drove around the van and went farther around before spinning and coming to a halt.

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