12. Demons And Nightmares Pt. 2

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After the girls settled down, they looked on ahead to see a train approaching near a valley.

Yang:"Alright, you guys ready?"

Ruby:"Yeah! You up to this Blake?"

Blake:"I am. They aren't real White Fang members so I think I can handle it."

(Y/n):"If you feel like you can't do it then give one of us a call."

She nodded and smiled.

Ruby:"Okay team and (Y/n)! Let's go!"

She threw her weapon up and it turned into a snowboard.

(Y/n):"Yo that's so sick!"

Ruby giggled as Yang and Blake got on her motorcycle.

Yang:"We got room for one more~"

Blake went red and nodded softly.

(Y/n):"Nah. I'd rather snowboard!"

He picked up Ruby bridal style and hopped on her snowboard before quickly sliding down the snowy slope.

Blake:"Lucky girl."

Yang:"Tell me about it."

Yang spun the bike around before going down the slope as well.


He swayed side to side and avoided rocks and boulders. Ruby was blushing heavily and held onto his neck tightly.

Ruby: I can't believe he's holding me like this! Too bad it's only a dream, but it feels so real!

The end of the slope curved upwards similar to a ramp and he was launched into the air. He kicked the snowboard behind him and it transformed into a gun. Ruby caught it and took aim at a White Fang grunt and landed a clean headshot.

They landed on the train and began helping robots fight off the grunts. The grunts themselves had the White Fang masks and shirts, but their bodies were closer to that of a Grimm.

(Y/n) ran across the train and took them down with clean strikes. None of them could land a hit and he smiled. His constant movements confused them which helped Team RBY eliminate the rest.

Ruby:"Yeah! Go (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) stabbed the last one and brushed his hair aside.

(Y/n):"Alright. What now?"

Ruby:"We keep riding the train as far as it goes."

He nodded and went to the locomotive and stood with his arms crossed.

(Y/n):"Woo! This breeze feels so good!"

His coat was flapping as the train kept chugging along.

(Y/n):"But uhhh, what do we do about that wall?"

The girls looked ahead and gasped.

Blake:"She's shutting us out!"

Inside a mansion, Weiss was sitting down and talking to a flame on a candle. The flame notified her of a train approaching the city which caught her off guard. She was hesitant on what to do. A holographic projection of her father looked down on her and kept repeating that she had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders. She looked around and but her lip.

Ruby:"Weiss! Please!"

Yang:"Let us in!"

(Y/n):"Weiss! You have to!"

Blake:"Don't shut us out!"

Weiss gasped and commanded that the gates be opened.

(Y/n):"So she did it..."

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