6. Day Of The Lord

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It was Sunday and students were dreading having another slow week of school. The upperclassmen were used to it unlike the first years. Some accepted their fate while others wanted to go back in time or be stuck in a time loop to avoid school.

Since it was still a weekend though, some students slept in while others left school grounds to get some food and relax. Others went to church to continue praying to their God. Saeko was one of these students. She was sitting in the front row as she listened to Father Blanc preach.

His words echoed throughout the church as everyone listened intently to what he had to say. The holy words of their lord struck a chord with their hearts as some held their hands to the ceiling. Others followed suit and lowered their hands. A wonderful sight of all things holy, truly.

However, the antithesis to all things holy, (Y/n), was making his way downtown. Walking fast, faces pass and he's homebound. This time he was on his own while exploring Vale. He brought Ebony & Ivory with him today as well as Alastor.

(Y/n): These damn demons dastardly disguising themselves as Dan's, Dave's, and Don's. I'm gonna look through every nook and cranny until I find one and kill it.

As he walked around the city, several hooded figures followed him from a distance. Anywhere (Y/n) went, so did they. They all walked for about five minutes before (Y/n) turned in an alleyway. It was a dead end, but that's exactly what he wanted.

The hooded figures stood at the end and blocked the only exit he had.

(Y/n):"So, you boys need something or are you just lost and thought I was your tour guide?"

He turned around and looked at them all. They stayed silent which made him shake his head.

(Y/n):"You know it's rude to ignore someone when they're talking to you. Unless you're mute or deaf, then that makes me the asshole. You know what they say about assuming after all."

Man 1:"(Y/n). Son of Sparda-"

(Y/n):"There it is. Of course you know who I am."

Man 1:"You are a threat to this world."

(Y/n):"I am? Dude, do you even know how many demons there are that kill people for fun? They're the pests that plague this world."

Man 2:"Exactly. They're merely pests. You, however, are a real threat. After all, you are Sparda's boy."

(Y/n):"Well I'm just happy to be wanted. You know what, if it makes you feel any better, you get the first punch."

Man 3:"Why thank you!"

One of the hooded figures rushed forward and threw a punch to (Y/n)'s cheek. (Y/n) took the hit and laughed before spitting on the ground.

(Y/n):"Let me know when you're about to punch me."

Man 3:"Why you-"

(Y/n) drew Alastor and smirked. The man jumped away and scowled.

(Y/n):"What? You scared? You guys literally followed me. You should've at least seen the sword on my back."

Man 4:"It doesn't matter. Your death is imminent!"

They all took off their cloaks to show they were wearing a pastor's uniform.

Man 3:"Tell me, do you know what day it is?"

(Y/n) stayed silent before thinking about it and gasping audibly. This made them all smirk in glee as they believed he knew what was about to happen.

(Y/n):"Don't tell me..."

Man 1:"That's right it's-"

(Y/n):"It's spaghetti Sunday at Joe's Eatery downtown! Haha! Thanks for the reminder boys."

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