Chapter 34: Identity Concern

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"It doesn't feel like I am... me," Aoi said while looking from top to bottom.

"Isn't that the point?~" The reflection asked, "You said you wanted something totally opposite from you~ Your hair, your body, your expressions~

"I feel like you are more of an opposite of me than... this" Aoi said referring to the reflection.

The reflection gave a small nervous laugh "Now, I am just your weaknesses turned to strengths, nothing special~"

"I will wear that old mask from the cosplay that I have for now so I can cover the scar, I'll make a new one later which serves a better purpose," Aoi said "I still got a few hours before I need to go to the hideout. I am not required to talk tonight, they would be doing all the talking... so I will go to the workshop and work on the mask" 

Aoi took off the wig and placed them in a bag along with her mask. She stood in her room for a while and her silence was interrupted by a message from Kaminari telling her that they were planning on visiting her classmates the following day. She felt a knot in her throat. She felt guilt, but at the same time she knew she had to do it, and that she needed to get used to it.

"Tomorrow will be quite the day..." she said to herself before she left the room and headed to the jewelry owned by her grandparents to be at the workshop and work on a voice modifier using schematics from the internet and previous projects done by the company

She had her own space at the workshop and the workers never bothered her, mostly cause she was the granddaughter of the owners and she was also a great worker there who supported them all. They even offered her help but she would bluntly deny it. After many hours, she received a message from Kurogiri asking her to head over there and it was just when she had finished the mask. 

She headed to the bar and put on all of her costume before entering and encountered all of the villains there. They all looked at her confused due to the different appearance but understood her reasons. Snyde and Toga went up to her with smiles on their face and complimented her outfit while Aoi walked to the back of the room to watch it all. 

For her surprise, no matter what they all said, none of them managed to even get a word across without Bakugo telling them to "fuck off". Aoi just analyzed all of the behaviors he showed and tried to find any sort of thing that might help her convince him. But before she could even do anything, she was kicked out. Aoi found it strange that she was just sent away without letting her report anything or telling her anything else.

She went home and took out a notebook and started to write everything she learned about Bakugo's behavior and started to investigate as much as she could until she fell asleep.


The next day, Aoi got to the hospital and was greeted by those classmates who were there. They all went to check out on Hakkotsu first but she was not in her room so they found it strange, and decided to go to the next person in line who was Midoriya. They peeked to the room and saw Midoriya on his bed full of bandages.

"Midoriya, you are awake!" Kaminari said while opening the door to Midoriya's room

"Kaminari, don't intrude like that," Aikou said with a gentle tone 

"I know I know, but hey! Midoriya, did you watch the news? The press has the school surrounded," Kaminari said while he entered with some of the other students who came to visit them, highly concerned

"It's even worse than the last time," Sato added

"It can be expected tho..." Aoi said in a lower tone

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