24. Blood for the Blood God

Comenzar desde el principio

Phil rolls his eyes and trains a gun on the people fleeing in the doorway.

"They're getting away Techno!"

"Leave them," Techno commands. He points to Wilbur. "Lock the doors."

I watch Wilbur stride over and lock the main doors.


There are definitely more people hiding here and they're planning to kill us all.

I load my gun.

Not if I kill them first.

Techno smirks as he climbs back onto the table and gently nudges a body off. His white suit shirt is splattered with blood and so it is his mask but other than that, he's unharmed.

The floor is littered with bodies and looks like it was just doused in red paint. Shards of glass, broken plates, and splinters are scattered throughout the mess.

That was quick.

"Come out you cowards!" he roars. "That scared to take me on?!"

I glance around the side and notice Quackity and Karl hiding behind a pillar. Karl has his gun out and Quackity holds two long knives.

Sam and Skeppy are also hiding behind a table across the room from us.

Where's Bad? Hopefully Drista is safe.

Sapnap holds up his gun and nods in Techno's direction.

I shake my head and silently point to Tommy who is inspecting the barrel of his gun and not even paying attention.

A gunshot goes off which is followed by a piercing shriek.

"Tommy!" Phil yells. He rushes over to the blonde who is kneeling on the ground clutching his shoulder.

Wilbur points his gun around the room as Techno turns in a slow circle too. The blank eyes of the skull scan every inch of the ballroom.

I glance back at Sapnap who is rolling his eyes.

The glass behind me shatters and I roll over, covering my head with my hands as the shards rain down on me.

The sound of something heavy landing on the table is followed by rapid gunfire once again.

I glance up and see Bad, standing on the table, firing repeatedly at Techno. His eyes are trained with determination as he doesn't stop firing once.

Techno dodges the bullets and pulls out a much larger gun with a much larger barrel.

Bad's eyes widen as he jumps down next to me before the rocket is fired over our heads and out the window. More glass rains onto us as Bad starts dumping larger guns and more weapons onto the ground.

George peers up and immediately withdraws, shoving us out of the way as another rocket streaks toward the table and hits it square in the middle, breaking it in half.

Splinters fly everywhere and I stand up, grabbing one of the larger guns and aiming it at Techno.

The rest of my team seems to get the memo as they all lunge out to attack along with other mafias.

Techno's men return the fire as he evades my attacks, laughing.

"Y/N was right!" Techno cackles, doing a backflip over my bullets. "You are actually the worst!"

He grabs the gun from my grasp and throws it far away. I pull out my pistol as Techno smirks, making a "come here" gesture with his hand.

Phil is facing off Sapnap and George to my left as Wilbur is behind chased by Skeppy, Bad, and Sam.

Karl, Quackity, and Punz are cornering Tommy who holds a knife at the ready.

They got this.

I shoot four shots at Techno who slides to the side and throws a dagger at me. I dodge it too and notice George kneeling on the floor with Sapnap covering him and Phil pointing a gun at both of them. A small pool of blood surrounds them.

"Stop!" I run over and shoot at Phil who pulls out a knife, deflecting the bullets easily.

"It doesn't have to be like this Dream!" Phil yells, aiming for me.

"I think it does!"

I lunge for the man who backs up, taking aim once again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Quackity and Karl being held at gunpoint by two of Techno's men.

Punz is slumped against a pillar with Bad wrapping a white bandage around his forearm.

Sam and Skeppy are both pointing guns at Wilbur who stands over Tommy protectively.

"Drop the gun Dream," Techno hisses from behind me. I turn back to Phil just as the gun is knocked from my hand.

The force sends me to the floor as Techno places his boot on my chest and holds the gun to my head.


Sapnap yells as he holds George closer while Phil stands behind both of them, the black barrel of the gun aimed at both of them.

Sam and Skeppy have guns pointing at them by Wilbur and another man with orange hair and a single white streak in it.

"You lose," Techno smirks. His breathing is calm and steady, as is his voice. He points the gun at my forehead and I grit my teeth, glaring back at him. "The Blood God always wins."

The rest of my gang look at me, and then at each other.

Techno puts his finger on the trigger as I close my eyes.

I'm going to die. Is this really where it ends?

All of us?

A soft ping interrupts my thoughts and I open my eyes as Techno appears to be staring at his phone.

He squints at the screen and rolls his eyes with a scoff.

"Why is it mate?" Phil asks after a few seconds of silence.

Techno laughs softly and shakes his head.

"Let's move out boys," he removes the gun from my forehead and steps off me. His men do the same and I see the visible confusion on everyone's face.

Techno smiles at me over his shoulder and nods at Wilbur.

"Blow it sky high."

Wilbur smirks evilly and nods, his finger passing over a small button in the pocket of his trench coat.

My eyes widen as the group makes their way out the door.

He clicks the button and drops it to the floor, closing the doors on his still smirking face.

There's the fainting clicking followed by a hiss and as we all run for the broken window.


1,464 words

I have to write more Mafia Techno, he is so badass 😍

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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