Chapter 93: Florida

Start from the beginning

"When will you go?" She asks, her hands now resting on my hips.

"Next week. We'll take the plane very early on Monday, so we can sleep a little during the flight and then start working there. There won't be any diving sessions on Monday but the rest of the week will pretty much contain of the four of us diving in different areas and collect samples of sand, water and stuff. And on Friday evening, we will fly back. While being there, we'll stay in a hotel in Miami." I tell her, feeling the excitement pulsing through my body.

This is what I always wanted to do, go diving for a job and being able to combine my passion with work.

"Wow, that's really exciting, I am so happy for you, my love." Scarlett says and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug her back, nuzzling my face into her neck.

"But I will still miss you." I mumble and kiss her neck a few times, making her giggle a little at the feeling. She pulls away a little and brushes some hair behind my ear.

"I will miss you too. But it's just five days, we were apart longer than that. And besides, I think you will be way too happy and excited to miss me." She says and bops my nose, making me smile even wider.

The rest of the week went by fast and sooner than I thought, I sat in the plane to Miami. Rose made me promise to bring her a little something from my trip and of course I couldn't say no to that.

I said my goodbyes yesterday on Sunday and it was a little hard but it's only a few days and Scarlett is right, we had longer periods of time where we didn't see each other.

Monday is kinda exhausting though because after the flight, we headed straight to the hotel and brought our stuff there before being driven to a lab in Miami, which will be working with us on this.

We both have our own projects but the results will be put together.
We get to know a few of the people we will be working with and they show us around and give us some insight on where they are with their projects.

During a presentation, I honestly have trouble keeping my eyes open because I didn't sleep very well on the plane and let's be honest, traveling is exhausting. But I keep a smile on my face and do my best to listen.

Slowly but surely the day comes to an end and we head back to the hotel. Brooke asks me if I want to go to a bar with her and Brandon but I decline, way too tired for that and not needing a headache when we're diving tomorrow.

The bed is very comfortable and I almost fall asleep but I remember to call Scarlett and smile when her face pops up on my screen.

"Hey, traveler." She greets me and I smile.

"Hey, bug." I reply.

"Is that Mama?" I hear Rose's voice from the background and smile.

"It is. You wanna say hello?" Scarlett asks and moves the phone, so Rose can see me.
She grins widely and waves at me. I automatically smile wider when I see her and wave back.

"Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?" I ask and she starts to bounce a little in excitement. Scarlett leads her to the couch, so they can sit down.

"A second tooth started to become loose." She tells me excitedly.

"What? That's crazy, baby. Careful or soon you won't be able to bite anymore and then we have to puree all your food." I say with a smile and Rose giggles.

"You're silly, Mama. There will be new teeth soon. Look." She comes closer to the camera and opens her mouth. Her breath fogs the camera and I can't see anything.

"There is already a new one coming." She tells me and pulls back.

"Puh, lucky." I grin and see Scarlett's sleeve cleaning the camera.

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