"Okay prissy pants" Madison sighed loudly "Are you almost done?" I felt something cold enter my stomach and followed by a quick inhale from Madison "That's sick" she whispered through her gags. "Who does that?" Madison sounded upset but Olivia responded calmly "It's a tracking device, and it works wonders" I heard myself take in a deep breath and felt my body jerk.

"Help me lift her onto the bed, she's making a mess" I felt cold hands lift me. "Are we going to take her to Jesse?" Madison asked innocently. I shivered. "Why do you want to know where Jesse is so badly?" Olivia responded with anger.

There was a long pause, as if they were exchanging looks."Are you in love with him?" Madison sounded surprised, like things finally made sense to her. "Shut up before I change my mind and do this alone"

I felt Olivia strap me onto the bed, more needles pierced my skin and then began to push the bed out of the room "Fine. But, will you at least tell me if it's far or not. My heels are killing me" Madison sounded tired and bored again. "No, it'll only take a few minutes" I heard Madison sigh "Good, this will have to be quick then"

"What are you doi-" Olivia never got to finish her sentence because next her body dropped to the floor with a loud thump. "God she was pissing me off" Madison said with relief.

"Alright, if you can hear me I'm here to save your ass. I've been with Nate this entire time trying to take Jesse down. I don't know why your so valuable but I'm going to use you as bait, as horrible as it sounds. Nate told me he put Harry in a hiding place and is looking for us now. I have to find where Jesse is hiding."

I heard her drag Olivia's body, carelessly hitting her against objects in the room. "This back stabbing bitch has been utterly obsessed with Jesse and is a loyal puppet. She's been drugging you if you hadn't noticed and even helped on some attacks on you. Of course I've been there to help you and you always pointed the finger at me. Your welcome by the way." I tried to open my eyes.

"Sorry for being a jerk though, it's part of my act" I blinked at the bright light of the room. I looked around to see Madison tying Olivia so she looked like a worm. "Your awake!" She smiles a bright beautiful smile.

"Bait?" I horsely whispered trying to sit up but collapsed back onto my back. "Easy" she walks over and fixed my ives in my arm and untying me from the bed. "I'm giving you antibiotics and blood, Olivia already stitched you up. Are you ready to hear the plan?"

"Yes" I said with my voice stronger, I rubbed my head. "Your not going to like it, but it's the only way I can kill Jesse" "Whatever it takes" I said nodding my head. She shrugs her shoulders "Alright then, here it goes"

Harry's POV

I opened my eyes in panic, gripping my stab wound and aching ribs. "Kylie" I whisper. "She's not with us, sorry" Nate puffed out breathless.

"She made me" he said.

"Stop" I mumbled "Put me down"

Nate shook his head "I just lost them, if we stop now they'll find us for sure" "I'm not leaving her" I said trying to wiggle out of his grip making him slow to a stop

"I told her I would save you and go back for her, your only slowing me down" "Go get her then and I'll wait here" I said trying to stand. Shots came from down the hall and Nate began pulling me away from where we came

"I told you they would find us!" He yelled.

"Where's Kylie?" I felt a bullet fly by my head. "Ummm" Nate mumbled. "You don't know where she is!" I screamed at his face. "Listen! Last I heard Madison found her and took her! But she's safe!" Another bullet flew by.

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