"Don't complain; this is my treat. You can take me out another time." I shushed her, putting my finger to her mouth. I winked when saying that last bit, making her cheeks tint pink and her eyes widen.

"I'd be happy to," she replied, taking her food from the man. "Thanks!"

"Have a nice date, guys," the man smiled, waving us off after he gave me my food. Is it that obvious?

Well, who am I kidding? Of course it was. My arm was wrapped around her shoulder, and she was leaning her head on my shoulder.

I hummed happily to the song "You Are My Sunshine."

"Thanks Vin, let's go sit over there!" She grabbed my hand and led me into an empty field. It was quite dark, but the blur of the streetlights had just reached us.

"So, tell me why you don't like spicy food." I asked, eating my wings

"It's not that I don't like spice; I just have a horrible tolerance for it. Like, a few years ago, if you gave me one hot Cheeto, I would've gone really red in the face and choked." "Now I am better," she cringed, "but if there is too much spice, the same thing will happen." She giggled, and I just looked at her with shock.

"Don't look at me like that!" She giggled, hiding her face in my arm—how cute!

"Hot Cheetos are my favourite snack!" I told her in a shocked way, "I've probably hoovered up over a million packets of those things!"

"Well, one day we should try that hot Cheeto challenge, maybe when we get back to Scranton?" She suggested it, and I just laughed.

"Babe, if you can't handle one Cheeto, how will you survive the challenge?" As soon as the word left my mouth, I covered my face with my hands, waiting for her to tell me off.

But she just simply ignored it?

"Well, I'd just have to have training from you, Mr. Expert." She replied, finishing her food and coughing visibly. I saw something glisten in her eyes. I took her chin by the padding of my thumb and moved her head to look at me.

Her eyes were watering.

I let out a roll of laughter, falling onto my back. "I—I," I tried to say, wiping away some tears that had fallen, and trying to compose myself. "I thought you had tolerance!" I shrieked, falling back on my back.

"Oh, shut up!" She slapped my arm playfully and said, "At least I ate it!" She laughed as well, falling onto the ground beside me.

"Don't worry, I won't make you eat spicy stuff," I told her, holding her hand.

"Thank you; I don't fancy dying anytime soon," she giggled, and the two of us settled into a comfortable silence.


God knows how long we had been there, for it was now dark, and we were still lying in the field, gazing at the clear sky above us.

As we both lay there, our breaths were in sync, and she huddled into my chest. I wish I could capture this moment in a locket forever.

I began humming that song again, sighing in happiness.

I never imagined this would happen to me six months ago. I thought I'd be alone forever, but now I have Valerie.

"Hey," she whispered, moving closer to me and looking at me from her spot, "what's that song you're singing?"

"It's a song, and it describes my feelings about you," I replied, my stomach going into knots, knowing that if she knew the song, I was practically outing myself to her.

"Sing it to me,"

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray." I smiled down at her, playing with her hair, and she pressed into my touch, her skin warming my own.

"You'll never know, dear," I paused, moving away from her slightly to look at her, placing my palm on her cheek, taking a deep breath, "how much I love you."


Her lips pressed against mine, softly but passionately, and I nuzzled into her face, smoothing her silky hair. Her hand caressed my cheek—I couldn't describe this kiss; it was different somehow.

Our lips moved in sync, as if they were desperate to stay together. I felt like I was on cloud nine, as if this wasn't real or if I were dreaming again.

Her black hair tickled my face, and as she moved to sit in my lap, her nails almost seemed to claw at my skin, like an eager animal,

She drew away, smiling at me. The shock took over, and my body was like a ragdoll; I couldn't move. A smile spread across my face.

My heart felt like it was going to swell out of my chest. I couldn't calm myself—was this really happening?

I looked gently into her eyes; a new glint of light replaced her old one, which was bright and happy but did not compare to this, and she sang before pulling me into her warm and welcoming embrace,

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

I let out a breath, pulling her closer to me, and we collapsed to the ground again; she held herself up, she looked down at me, and she was breathless. I smiled, bringing my hand to her face, and she caressed it.

"Vinny, I, I do"

"You do?"

"I do; I don't know where these feelings came from, but I know for certain that I want to be more than just friends."


⌑ Eternally yours/ Vinny M X OC/ ⌑Where stories live. Discover now