Eternally Yours

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"Guys!" Vinny clapped his hands, ecstaticly, "We need to make a decision quick, while she's not here. She will be back with Ben soon!"

"Cool your beans, Vinchenzo!" Justin laughed, "We'll get everything sorted, leave everything to us!"

"That doesn't sound reassuring in the slightest." He sighed, falling on top of Chris and Ricky onto the couch and groaning, "Why are girls so difficult?"

"They aren't diffi-"

"Rick, don't lie to me." Vinny pinched his leg, making him yelp, and he pulled Vinny's hair.


"Look, Vin," Chris sighed, rubbing his friend's shoulders, trying to relax him. "Tonight, take her out for food or something. Then, the next day, get up early, get that, the word early, and take her out to somewhere fun, I don't know, a place you'll both enjoy," Chris said seriously, pushing Vinny off his and Rick's lap.

"Yeah, I mean, maybe you could put those hot dance moves to work?" Ryan snickered, and Vinny threw a pillow at him.

"I will not hesitate to kill you all with this pillow," Vinny threatened, turning and looking at the guys with an evil look in his eyes. "Never. Ever. bring up my sexy dancing!" he put a hand on his hip,

"But Vin!" Ryan moaned jokingly, "It- ouch! ouch! Jesus okay!"

"That's what you get, don't mess with me!" Vinny sassily said, clicking his fingers,

"For a small person, you have got quite the str-"

"Someone take the pillow away from this man!" Justin laughed, trying to pull the pillow off Vinny, since he was bitch slapping Ryan with it.

"Woah! What's going on in here!"

Vinny jumped up, a cheesy grin on his face, moving away from the guys and dropping the pillow to hug Valerie.

"They've been mean to me," he sadly said, clinging onto her arm.

"Hey! Valerie that's a lie! He was trying to kill me with a pillow," Ryan objected, standing and moving to give Valerie a hug as well.

"He also climbed on our laps and had a tantrum!" Ricky cried, and he and Chris moved to hug Valerie.

"Yeah, and I was caught in the crossfire of their pillow fight," Justin groaned, and he moved to hug Valerie.

"You-you guys!" She laughed, "As much as I love receiving hugs, you are all squishing me, I am small compared to you all!" She wrapped her arms around them, her black nails standing out against them. She continued to hug them until she shoved them off.

"You're my small bean," Vinny said cheekily, poking her cheeks.

"I know I am." She winked and took his hand, asking, "Is it okay if I steal your precious Vinny away for a few hours?"

"Take him! Or else none of us will be alive tomorrow!" Ricky practically pushed the two out of the bus and then smirked at the guys,

"so! About tomorrow, I have a few ideas in mind."


"Val! where are you taking me?" Vinny chuckled as she dragged him down the street; he gripped her hand even tighter.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out!" She replied and continued to walk at a fast pace, until they were stopped suddenly, as per usual, by a group of people,

"Oh, hey, Vinny Mauro!" One of them cheered, making Vinny roll his eyes and hold back a groan.

"Hey dudes!" He said with a forced smile, kind of annoyed since he wanted to spend quality time with his girlfriend, "How are you guys?"

⌑ Eternally yours/ Vinny M X OC/ ⌑Where stories live. Discover now