Chapter Eleven

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▪️one hour later ▪️

▪️2 new messages from drummer boy▪️

Drummer boy: Hey Valerie, thanks for stepping in all of a sudden. I'm really thankful; you played amazingly!

Drummer boy: Thanks for covering me with a blanket. I suppose you are out with your sister right now. Do you still want to hang out?

You: Hi Vinny!! Thanks! I hope you are feeling better now. Yeah, I'd love to go hang out. Do you mind coming dress shopping with me? My sister is getting married this summer, and she is only now sending me dress shopping! It's going to be crazy!

Drummer boy: She's left it a bit late, huh? Sure, I'd love to join. Where is the store?

You: here #£%&#*%*%&#^#%#(%()@&%

Drummer boy: Okay, I'll make my way there right now. Are you having a good time?

You: yeah! It was nice to see her; she was at the concert earlier as well, haha. I'll see you in a bit, Vinny; take your time!

▪️end of chat with Drummer boy▪️

I pulled out my phone and typed the address into Google Maps.
Oh how it was my lord and savior right now!

I left the cafe and turned a few blocks, following the blue arrow on my phone. Thankfully, the store wasn't too far from the venue we played at or the cafe.

My entire body was bubbling with excitement at the thought of trying on dresses for my sister's wedding! I just hope the store doesn't close too early!

I turned one more corner and came to a stop when I noticed the sign, "Bailey's Bridemaids Boutique," and with one confirming glance at my phone, I knew I was at the right place.

I smiled, opening the glass door and walking in. The receptionist smiled warmly at me,

"Hi there, are you Valerie by any chance?" She asked politely.

"Yes, that's me. Did my sister call in advance?" I replied, walking closer to her desk.

"Yes, she did! It's nice to meet you. I'm going to be helping you today, so let's go look at some dresses!" The lady said happily, and she guided me into the parlour.

"Oh! I have a friend coming to meet me here soon," I mentioned as we looked through some dresses. She nodded.

"Aha! How about these?" She asked, showing me some beautiful purple dresses.

"I love them; shall we try them on?" I asked, making her nod. She guided me to the dressing rooms, humming as she did.

▪️Vinny's Point of view▪️

With a carrier bag in hand, I opened the door to the boutique and was met with a strong smell of women's perfume. It was almost choking me.

"Hello there, sir, are you okay?" A woman at the reception desk asked.

"Yes, I'm here to shop with a girl named Valerie? Has she arrived? I think she had an appointment" I mustered out, hoping I wouldn't get kicked out.

The lady smiled at me, "right this way. We will need to take your measurements to get you the right suit. Let's get chopping. She is just in the dressing room," the lady sternly told me.

"Wait, but-" I interjected, but she shushed me.
"No buts! You need a suit quickly; the bride certainly left all this very late," she murmured to herself.

After taking my measurements, she left and came back a few minutes later with a navy suit and a dark purple tie.

"Put these on; meet me back here when you are done. Chop chop!" The lady commanded. She was pretty scary!


As I put on the suit, I was surprised at how comfortable it was.

I fixed my hair and walked out to where the lady said to meet her. She was gone, so I stood there, hand in pocket, looking lost.

A few moments later, a door squeaked open. "Darling, you look gorgeous!" The woman's voice echoed through the corridor.

Soon, the lady reappeared, and following her was a princess.

"Vinny! Why are you wearing a suit!?"

▪️3rd person point of view▪️

The two stared at each other with wide eyes. Neither of them knows what to say.

"You look—" Valerie blurted.

"You look stunning— an angel in the flesh. It compliments your body perfectly." Vinny breathed out.

Shocked at his own words, he covered his mouth with his hands.

Their hearts were beating so fast. Both feared the other would hear them.

"You look so handsome, Vinny. I will go so far as to say it looks seductive on you," she said breathlessly.

"Let's take a picture of the two of you!" The lady chimed in, snapping the two of them back to reality.

"Okay," the two said, moving closer together.

"That's it! Boy! Hold her like you mean it! Girl! Keep that loving look in your eye!" she shouted, and she snapped a few photos.

Vinny slowly moved his hand down her back and onto her hip, his hands trailing ever so gently down, sending shivers through her as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"This is not how I was thinking tonight would go," Vinny chuckled.
"I was about to say the same. I'm sure my sister wouldn't mind having an extra guest. Vinny, will you come to the wedding with me?"


"Awesome!" Valerie replied, turning to the lady.

"We will purchase both of these items. Put the dress on my sister's tab, and here is some money for the suit," she told the lady, and as Vinny was about to object, she shushed him.

"I believe it's about time we go and spend some time together, don't you?" She playfully asks, placing her head on his shoulder.

"Hmm, I don't know. I'm pretty tired from trying on a suit." He joked, pulling her in for a side hug.

"Where are you thinking of going?" She asked him on the way to the dressing room.

"Well, angel. That's for me to know and for you to find out" He winked at her and disappeared to his dressing room.

⌑ Eternally yours/ Vinny M X OC/ ⌑Where stories live. Discover now