Chapter Six

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Vinny kept his hand on the small of my back as we boarded the bus, me going on first and him second.

It was quite chilly as we boarded, making me shiver slightly.

"Uh, Vinny. The bus is kind of empty," I chuckled nervously, stopping in my tracks.

He walks past me and into what appeared to be a living/chilling area.
"That's odd. Maybe everyone is still sleeping? The only reason we get up early on tour is to use the hot water in the morning."

"Fair enough. I'm just wondering where Ricky has gone" I sighed, wondering if he was as tired as the other guys.

"He usually goes to lie down on his bunk first. He's probably just tired. Let's just sit down and relax for a bit." Vinny said, reading my mind.

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed two monster cans, then turned to me with a smile.

"Want one?"

"Sure, if that's alright."

"Of course!" He replied with a smile, and we sat beside each other on the couch, drinking them. The silence was a bit uncomfortable, but Vinny seemed relaxed.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your hand. I didn't think anyone would get involved, especially with the way he looks," I said, a sorrowful look on my face. I took his hand and inspected it.

"He doesn't look that scary! Besides, I took a few classes in the arts of punching." He laughed, rubbing my hand with his.

"Wow, forget drummer boy, more like fighter boy"

"I'm just glad I intervened before you got any more hurt. I'm sorry I didn't punch him sooner," Vinny muttered, his hand now grazing the mark on my face.

"Hey, can you guys quite do—oh, my, hello!" A really tall guy said, coming out of where I suppose the bunk room is. Vinny quickly took his hand away from my cheek and onto his lap.

"What's going on, dude? Sorry if we woke you," Vinny said to the guy with a smile.

"No, you didn't wake me; I'm glad to get out of that cramped space. The other guys are groaning about your loud asses. Even when you're sick, you are running on energy. Good to see you, Vin," the guy said happily, sitting beside Vinny.

"Yeah, good to see you too."

The three of us sat in an awkward silence. Vinny was tapping his leg in a rhythmic way. I glanced over at him, and sure enough, he was glancing back as well. I quickly averted my gaze to his friend.

Vinny suddenly cleared his throat,
"This lady here is the fantastic drummer girl who saved my drum set and Ricky's guitar from downfall a while back. She's my substitute if I'm too sick to play."

"Pleasure to meet you; I'm Chris, the singer. You are?" The guy, Chris, replied. He shook my hand, but suddenly pulled me off the couch into a tight hug.

"I'm Valerie," I said, trying to breathe.

"Vinny has told us a lot about you."

"Shut up! She doesn't need to know that," Vinny exclaimed, a look of embarrassment crossing his face.

"Well, I hope it's all good," I chuckled, picking at my nails.

"Of course, nothing too unusual," Chris snickered, and I could just about see him winking at Vinny.

Suddenly, the bus made a hissing sound, and someone, whom I assumed was the driver, hopped on and started to drive off.

"I'm going to go back to my bunk. If you guys want, you can take a nap here since it's quite cold in the bunk area; just don't make too much noise." Chris yawned, and tossed a blanket at Vinny.

⌑ Eternally yours/ Vinny M X OC/ ⌑Where stories live. Discover now