Chapter Seven

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▪️Valerie POV ▪️

"Woah! This place looks nice! A lot nicer than the restaurants back at home!" I exclaimed, dragging Vinny with me.

"Let's judge the menu first, Valerie," Vinny scolded, pulling me back slightly.

"But come on! It has a play area as well! I'm definitely going in there."

"Just don't break a leg or anything. You need those for the drums" Vinny sighed, a small smile played on his lips.

We sat down with the rest of the guys, and we ordered a main meal. To Vinny's surprise, the menu and actual food was very good. Chris then joined us, but he was only going to get a snack before we left.

Soon enough, I trotted over to the play area, and since there weren't any children, I decided to mess around a bit. Ricky joined me, and we were laughing our heads off.

"Come on, Vinny! Don't be a Debbie Downer now. Come play!" I giggled, smiling at him.

"Vin isn't the most adventurous person, Val. But we will join you," Ryan calls out, and he gestures toward Justin.


The four of us stood in a circle. Excitement soared through me.
"We are gonna race to the top and back. Winner gets toooo, I don't know," I exclaimed, almost jumping up and down.

"How about the winner gets to spend extra time with you?" Ryan suggested, winking at me.

"That sounds fun, but not in the context you're putting it in," Ricky replied, but also smacked him in a scolding manner.

"Alright, Chris can you count us down?" I asked, and he nodded with a smile.

"Wait, what if Val wins?" Justin asked, preparing himself for the race.

"Then we can all buy her the best dessert from this place!" Ricky answered.

"I can't refuse that. The challenge is real! Be ready boys, I've got 5 years of track racing and climbing classes behind me," I boasted, getting myself ready.

"Alright guys, get ready" Chris laughs,

"3, 2, 1, go!"

We all start off sprinting, and soon enough I'm in the lead. I can hear them all grunting and groaning as I quickened my pace to the top.

I was just about to reach the top, but a mop of long brown hair rushed past me, merely stopping to smirk at me.


As quickly as he appeared, he ran straight past me and back down. I quickly realised he was racing me, so I accelerated and ran after him, trying to pull him back so he could come in second, but he just barely made it to the bottom first.

As we stopped to catch our breath, I glared daggers at him, but I also didn't want to wipe away that massive gleam of pride that was engulfing him.

"That's no fair! You weren't even participating!" I complained, jutting out my lips slightly.

"Well, I still beat you, so now I win and want the reward," Vinny replied in a sing song voice. He pulled me close to him by my hip, and I could feel his breath on my own.

"Tch, okay. Where are the other guys?"

Both Vinny and I turned to see Ricky stuck; his flannel shirt had gotten caught in the net, and Ryan was attempting but failing to help him. Ryan just stood there laughing his head off.
Justin looked to have gotten lost and was walking around like a lost sheep, making me giggle.

"I suppose we should go and help them," I suggested, laughing.

"Yeah okay. We've had our fun, I guess."

⌑ Eternally yours/ Vinny M X OC/ ⌑Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant